Page 5 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 5

Make or Break Time

           A significant decrease in funding for the advanced air mobility sector
        challenges eVTOL companies that are getting close to commercialization

                                                  By Arun Sivasankaran

             024 would be regarded          The heartbreak comes at a time      in different regions as the com-
             as something of a water-       when the first two Lilium Jets are   pany had signed partnerships
       2 shed year for the fledgling        currently on the final assembly     not only in Europe but also coun-
        advanced air mobility (AAM)         line, with the first aircraft having   tries such as the U.S., China,
        sector.                             completed the initial low-voltage   Brazil, Austria, Saudi Arabia and
                                            power-on milestone and due to       Cambodia. In March 2024, Lilium
        While 2022 and 2023 provided        advance shortly into the ground     had unveiled its plans for a cen-
        plenty of signs that funding for    testing phase. The fuselage and     tral European regional network of
        the sector had come down sig-       wings of the third aircraft are     services, stretching from Venice
        nificantly from its US$6.8 billion   currently in assembly at aero-     to Frankfurt. It also had signed
        2021 peak, reality hit home this    structures suppliers Aciturri and   an agreement with ASL Group for
        year. On Oct. 24, German air-       Aernnova. Last month, com-          the sale of 60 Lilium Jets and the
        taxi maker Lilium, which has firm   pany engineers moved a fully        development of a network of land-
        orders, reservations, options, and   assembled, conforming Lilium Jet   ing sites in the Benelux countries,
        memoranda of understanding for      airframe into the static test rig for   In May 2024, Lilium joined other
        more than 780 Lilium Jets to oper-  structural testing. The company     companies in announcing plans to
        ators in the U.S., South America,   is working towards certification    bring Lilium Jet flights to the South
        Europe, Asia, and the Middle        from the EASA and FAA, and          of France starting in 2026.
        East, filed for insolvency for its   had announced plants to deliver
        two German subsidiaries – Lilium    eVTOLs to customers in 2026.        In November 2020 Lilium signed
        GmbH and Lilium eAircraft GmbH.                                         an agreement with Tavistock
        The company has since hired con- Impact on All Regions                  Development Company, and
        sultancy KPMG to explore merger     The setback faced by the com-       the City of Orlando to develop a
        and acquisition options.            pany will impact AAM projects       network of vertiports and eVTOL

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024 | 5
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