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aviation. Xwing has been flying which plans to enter the market Motor Group’s subsidiary, plans to
autonomous aircraft since 2020, in 2026 with the launch of an air launch commercial flights in 2028.
using the Superpilot software that taxi network in New York and Los The company display its full-scale
enables safe, uncrewed opera- Angeles, is also keen on capturing eVTOL vehicle product concept,
tions, supervised from the ground. the Middle East and Indian eVTOL S-A2, at the Farnborough Airshow
market. earlier this year and has signed
Midnight Plans agreements with a number of sup-
Earlier this year, the company
Archer will also commence oper- established a consortium led pliers. “Rather than being first
ations with piloted aircraft but is by the Abu Dhabi Investment to market, we’re building the
collaborating with Boeing and its Office (ADIO) to launch com- right product and right market,
eVTOL subsidiary Wisk Aero for mercial air taxi services in the first. We are really trying to
integration of Wisk’s autonomous UAE as early as Q4 2025. In build our vehicle to meet the
technology in future variants of September, it signed a wide-rang- safety standards of commercial
Archer’s aircraft. The two eVTOL ing deal with Soracle, the joint aviation. If we don’t do that, I
companies, it may be recalled, venture of Japan Airlines and don’t believe public acceptance
were initially involved in a legal Sumitomo Corporation, that will be there,” says Jaiwon Shin,
battle, with Wisk taking Archer to includes a planned purchase CEO of Supernal.
court in 2021 after accusing it of of up to US$500M of Midnight
stealing trade secrets and infring- aircraft for AAM services in mul- Wisk Aero plans to conduct
ing on its patents. Archer counter tiple Japanese cities. Archer passenger flights of its autono-
sued Wisk in 2021 and Boeing in and Soracle will work with the mous eVTOl later this decade
2022. Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau for and has announced a partner-
certification and other approvals. ship designed to have Australian
Even as it firms up funding, Archer flights in place for the Brisbane
plans to begin production at its In April this year, Archer Aviation 2032 Olympic and Paralympic
Georgia facility in early 2025 with founder and CEO Adam Goldstein Games. Brian Yutko, the compa-
the goal to ramp to a rate of two told Reuters that the company ny’s chief executive, said at the
aircraft per month by the end plans to begin trials of its Midnight Farnborough Airshow that the
of the year. Following the FAA aircraft in India in 2025. In 2023, firm’s latest model, which has a
finalizing Midnight’s airworthiness Archer signed an agreement with range of 90 miles, will fly in 2024.
criteria in May, Archer is near- InterGlobe Enterprises, which “We are right now testing and
ing completion of Phase 3 of the backs IndiGo, to launch the air producing the elements of this
regulatory agency’s phase type taxis in many major cities in India. aircraft that we will hope to fly
certification process while con- around the end of this year,” he
tinuing to rapidly advance through A Different Approach added. The company is working
Phase 4, the final phase to secure with US regulators on certification
type certification. The company, Not all eVTOl companies are rush-
ing to market. Supernal, Hyundai for the autonomous vehicle.