Page 7 - AAA NOV / DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 7

successfully completing the
                                                                                first ever test flight of a hydro-
                                                                                gen-electric air taxi demonstrator;
                                                                                a converted pre-production pro-
                                                                                totype battery-electric aircraft
                                                                                fitted with a liquid hydrogen fuel
                                                                                tank and fuel cell system flew 523
                                                                                miles and landed with 10% of its
                                                                                hydrogen fuel load remaining.
                                                                                The flight, which demonstrated
                                                                                the potential for hydrogen to
                                                                                make regional travel possible for
                                                                                VTOLs, is likely to spur similar
                                                                                experiments by other companies
                                                                                in the AAM sector.

                                                                                Even as moves ahead with the
                                                                                certification process and works on
                                                                                developing its eVTOL, Joby has
                                                                                been trying to be a major player
        US$500 million in Joby to support   Stellantis, which invested US$110   in many of the markets where
        certification and commercial pro-   in Archer Aviation in 2023, pur-    AAM is poised to take off.  In
        duction efforts.  The investment,   chased US$39 million worth of       September this year, Joby initi-
        which will be made in two equal     Archer stock earlier this year,     ated steps to become a certified
        tranches – one this year and the    before investing another US$55      air taxi operator in the United
        other in 2025- brings Toyota’s total  Million in the eVTOL company      Arab Emirates. In August, Joby
        investment in Joby to US$894        after its Midnight eVTOL com-       signalled its intention to enter
        million.                            pleted a flight test milestone.     the Australian market by apply-
                                            Archer, which is set to complete its   ing to the country’s Civil Aviation
        “With this additional invest-       high-volume manufacturing facility   Safety Authority (CASA) for the
        ment, we are excited to see         in Georgia before the end of the    validation of an FAA type certifi-
        Joby certify their aircraft and     year, is now seeking shareholder    cation for its eVTOL. In February,
        shift to commercial produc-         approval for up to US$400M of       the company signed a definitive
        tion,” said Tetsuo “Ted” Ogawa.     additional capital from Stellantis to   agreement with Dubai’s Road
        “We share Joby’s view that          help scale the manufacturing of its   and Transport Authority (RTA) to
        sustainable flight will be central  eVTOL aircraft.                     launch air taxi services in Dubai,
        to alleviating today’s persistent                                       and followed it up in April with
        mobility challenges.”               Joby on the Move                    a multilateral Memorandum of
        In July, Embraer subsidiary Eve     Even though funding has been        Understanding (MoU) with the
                                                                                Department of Municipalities and
        Air Mobility announced US$94M       hard to come by, eVTOL com-         Transport - Abu Dhabi (DMT),
        in new equity financing from        panies are making progress          the Abu Dhabi Department of
        multiple investors, including       when it comes to development        Economic Development (DED)
        Embraer, Nidec and other finan-     of aircraft and certification. Joby   and the Department of Culture
        cial investors. In October, Eve     recently rolled its third aircraft off   and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT
        secured an US$88 million loan       its pilot production line in Marina,   Abu Dhabi).
        agreement with Brazil’s National    California, and broke ground on
        Development Bank (BNDES) to         an expanded facility in California   The U.S. company will start
        fund the development of the com-    that will more than double its man-  commercial operations with
        pany’s eVTOL production facility    ufacturing footprint. In August this   piloted flights, but has already
        in São Paulo, Brazil. The com-      year, it confirmed that the fourth of   initiated steps to move closer to
        pany has also received a US$50M     five stages of the type certification   autonomous flight.  In June, Joby
        loan from Citibank to propel its    process is now more than one-       announced that it had acquired
        certification and aircraft production   third complete.                 Xwing, a company that devel-
                                            In July, Joby made news by          ops autonomous technology for
        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024 | 7
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