Page 4 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2020 Digital Magazine | GBP
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                        YEAR                       EDITOR’S NOTE


                     LINE                        An Unprecedented Situation

                                                 The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has caused devastation on a global
                                                 scale bringing the world economy to its knees. In the highly
                        Editor                   interconnected modern world, the spread of this deadly virus, which
                  Vittorio Rossi Prudente        originated in China, has been swift and unstoppable. While doomsday
           scenarios abound, it appears that the spread of Covid-19 can be
                     Deputy Editor               halted with nationwide lockdowns and strict social distancing
                      Jay Menon                  measures.
                                                 The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted almost every sphere of modern
                   Technology Editor
                      Atul Chandra               life as we know it. An immediate effect for the global aerospace and
                defence industry, apart from the suspension of air travel and the
                                                 grounding of aircraft in most parts of the world, has been the
                 Singapore Bureau Chief          cancellation of important show events around the world. While the
                      Aprajita Anil              Singapore Air Show went ahead on a much diminished scale, many
                                                 aerospace and defence shows since then have been cancelled and it
                    US Bureau Chief              is as yet uncertain as to when such events will commence again. As
                   Arun Sivasankaran             the leading Asian publication that is present at industry tradeshows
           worldwide, we assure you that GBP Aerospace & Defence will be
                     Contributors                ready to report the latest news and events on-site from these shows,
                      Tamir Eshel                when normal business resumes.
                      Art Director               Our latest issue covers important topics ranging from hypersonic
                   Miamica Khonglah              technologies, industry mergers and unmanned systems to important
                                                 military acquisitions and industry trends. In addition to the coverage in
                     Web Director                this issue of Asian Defence Technology, you can find the latest global
                     Elmer Valencia              aerospace and defence news on our website –
                                                 Happy reading and please stay safe.
                  Circulation Manager
                   Akshay Satyamurthy

                                                 Asian Defence Technology
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                   Akshay Satyamurthy           ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY
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        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY is a bi-monthly publication for diplomats and professionals in the defence, security and academic fields. Opinions
        expressed by the contributors in Asian Defence Technology do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor. © GBP Pte. Ltd. All rights
        reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission

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