Page 9 - ADT MARCH / APRIL 2020 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 9

Alone and                                                                                               [ UNMANNED TECHNOLOGIES ]


         USV TECHNOLOGIES ARE PROCEEDING AT A                          Charting a New Path
         RAPID PACE                                                    The U.S. Navy has been early adopter of the
                                                                       USV concept and is considerably advanced
                                                                       on many of the key technologies involved. It
           Atul Chandra                                                is undertaking work on Unmanned maritime
                                                                       systems  with  regards  to  Surface  Warfare,
                                                                       Expeditionary Warfare and Undersea Warfare.
        Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) are expected to be in wide-    Under the Unmanned Surface Warfare cate-
        spread use before the end of the decade as the technologies    gory, it will develop prototypes for a Large
        involved for their safe use in congested sea lanes and on the open   USV (LUSV) and Medium USV (MUSV). In the
        ocean attain maturity. Unmanned systems when integrated with   Unmanned Expeditionary Warfare category,
        manned platforms will provide militaries with an unprecedented   it is developing a Mine Counter Measure USV
        advantage in any future confrontation. However, the complexity of   (MCM USV) and Mine Hunting USV, in addi-
        combat systems and the multiplicity of sensors and interfaces that   tion to the Knifefish. The Snakehead Large
        need to be integrated on military unmanned systems, requires a   Displacement Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
        high level of specific expertise, which can only be achieved through   (LDUUV), Extra Large Unmanned Undersea
        thorough technical knowledge of operational issues and the prac-  Vehicle  (XLUUV)  and  Razorback  are  being
        tical experience derived from naval missions.

        As a result, many nations are already deeply invested in develop-
        ing USVs for a variety of maritime roles and global OEMs are now
        offering increasingly sophisticated solutions for unmanned plat-
        forms. However, in many respects USV and Unmanned Underwater
        Vehicle (UUV) technologies are yet nascent and complex techno-
        logical challenges related to endurance, autonomy and precision
        navigation, command, control and communications, payloads and
        sensors, as also platform integration for launch and recovery need
        to be overcome.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                March/April 2020 | 9
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