Page 12 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 12

test firing marked the first time that such a long-
                                                                       range and the high-altitude target was engaged
                                                                       by an indigenous missile system.

                                                                       The new SAM system is now in mass produc-
                                                                       tion and the HiSAR-O+ has been developed
                                                                       to protect military bases, critical infrastructure   [ COVER  STORY ]
                                                                       and deployed stationary forces. It can engage
                                                                       targets such as fighters, UAVs, helicopters,
                                                                       cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles at
                                                                       an altitude of 10 km. It can undertake multiple
                                                                       engagements and successive firing at 18 tar-
                                                                       gets (Battery Level). The HiSAR-A was Turkey’s
                                                                       first indigenously developed air defence missile
                                                                       system and was designed to engage low alti-
                                                                       tude aerial targets. This missile system entered
                                                                       mass production in 2019.

                                                                       Suicide Drones and Loitering
                                                                       Turkish defense company STM manufactures
                                                                       the Kargu suicide drone which has already
                                                                       been operationally deployed by the Turkish
                                                                       Armed Forces on the battlefield. In 2020, STM
                                                                       announced that it would deliver over 500 Kargu
                                                                       suicide drones to the Turkish armed forces. The
                                                                       drones have also been supplied to the Turkish
                                                                       police forces. In July, Turkey’s Presidency of
                                                                       Defence Industries (SSB) announced that the
                                                                       Kargu Rotary Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
                                                                       (UAV)  Attack  drone  had  been  successfully
                                                                       exported to an undisclosed customer for the
                                                                       first time.

                                                                       The portable, rotary wing suicide attack drone
        completed its maiden flight, joining the flight test programme. The  is claimed to have a CEP of 6m and can also
        Hürkuş trainer aircraft also recently took part in the International  provide tactical ISR, in addition to precision
        Anatolian Phoenix-2021 exercise and the aircraft has strong export  strike capabilties for ground troops. The Kargu
        prospects.                                                     rotary wing attack drone can be used as a sui-
                                                                       cide drone or as a loitering munition system
        To free its self from export constraints for future helicopter sales to  and has a range of between 5-10 km in Line of
        foreign customers, Turkish Aerospace has entered into an agree-  Sight mode with an endurance of 30 minutes.
        ment in June with Motor Sich of Ukraine to supply 14 engines for the  It operates at a mission altitude of 500m and
        new Turkish Multirole Heavy Combat Helicopter. The 10 tonne class  can carry a warheads of 1 or 3kg. STM's unique
        helicopter will be powered by two TV3-117 turboshafts. Turkish  flight control system allows the Kargu drone to
        Aerospace is also pursuing the development of the ATAK II heavy  undertake fully autonomous navigation and it
        attack helicopter, which is twice as heavy as the 5 tonne T129  can function both as a single platform and as
        twin-engine multirole attack helicopter and first flight is planned  part of a swarm of up to 20 platforms.
        for 2024.
                                                                       STM states that efforts are underway to stream-
        New Medium Range Air Defence System                            line and improve swarm algorithms to perform
        Turkey has also developed a new variant of its national Air Defence  different tasks. Turkey is also undertaking the
        Missile System HiSAR. The HiSAR-O+ is a vertical launch air  KERKES Project to enable the drone swarm
        defence missile system developed by Roketsan and Aselsan with  to function smoothly in any environment. STM
        its warhead developed by Tubitak SAGE. The quick deployment  is expected to offer Kargu with full swarming
        SAM system has an interception range of 25km and provides 360  abilities to the Turkish Armed Forces in approx-
        degree coverage with a short reaction time. In March, the SSB  imately by 2022-23. The platform Kargu drone
        announced the delivery of the first HİSAR-O+ Medium Range Air  is capable of detecting and striking static or
        Defense System after successfully completion of a test firing. The  mobile targets with high precision during day

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