Page 16 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 16


                                                                               offices where official procurement
                                                                               authorities are represented, foreign
                                                                               delegations and participating com-
                                                                               panies. With the improvements made
                                                                               on the planning and execution of the
                                                                               meetings, I believe that this platform
                                                                               will  be  used  more  effectively  and
                                                                               we will raise the bar higher,” Sadık
                                                                               PİYADE, acting General manager of
                                                                               Turkish Armed Forces Foundation
                                                                               (TAFF) said.

                                                                               “On the other hand, in line with the
                                                                               developments in the pandemic, one
                                                                               of our most important goals will be to
                                                                               implement hygiene measures at the
                                                                               maximum level in the fair area and to
                                                                               carry out the activities to be organ-
                                                                               ised during the fair in a healthy way.
                                                                               In this context, our efforts to simplify
        IDEF BRINGS CHEERS                                                     fair invitations and events continue.
                                                                               As TAFF, we will be very pleased and
        AMID COVID GLOOM                                                       proud to see the supply authorities,
                                                                               defence  industry  companies  and
                                                                               professional  visitors  from  all  over
                                                                               the world among us at IDEF 2021, in
        The  15th  International  Defence  Ministry of National Defence, under   İstanbul,” he added.
        Industry Fair (IDEF21) is one of the  the  management  and  responsibil-
        five biggest defence industry fairs in  ity  of  the  General  Directorate  of
        the world and where Turkish defence  TSKGV  and  organised  by  TÜYAP
        industry products are showcased.    Fairs and Exhibitions Organisation
                                            Inc. at TÜYAP Fair Convention and
        “WHILE WE ARE GOING                 Congress Center.
        SHOWCASE OUR DEFENCE                Since  1993  the  event  has  made
        TECHNOLOGIES, ONLY OUR              great progress in the course of time
        LARGER COMPANIES CAN                and has become one of the world's
        AFFORD TO ATTEND THESE              leading fairs in the field of defence
        SHOWS. SO, AT IDEF, OUR             industry.  The  previous  edition  of
                                            IDEF was attended by 588 delega-
        SMALLER COMPANIES AND               tion members, 1.061 companies and
        SMES GET AN OPPORTUNITY             representatives,    seven  ships  and
        TO SHOWCASE THEIR                   76.010 visitors.
        CAPABILITIES,” said Dr. İsmail
        DEMİR, President of Defence         “Our  goal  in  IDEF  2021  will  be  to
        Industries of Turkey.               increase these numbers reached at
                                            IDEF 2019 much higher. As it is known,
        The IDEF21 is being organised under  one of the most important features
        the auspices of the Presidency of  of IDEF is the negotiation platform
        the Republic of Turkey, hosted by  established  between  the  meeting

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