Page 13 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 13

and night conditions with the operator, operat-
        ing it in line with the Man-in-the-Loop principle.
        The Kargu system is comprised of the Attack
        Drone Platform and the Mobile Ground Control

        STM has also developed a loitering munition                                                                [ COVER  STORY ]
        known as the ‘Alpagu’ which weighs less than
        two kg and features a lightweight structure
        with low radar cross-section. Deliveries to the
        Turkish armed forces started in 2020, with a
        series of variants also planned for develop-
        ment. The Alpagu loitering munition dives down
        to its target and can deliver pinpoint damage to
        high-value, important targets. It carries enough
        explosives to neutralize its target, in spite of its
        small size and weight and can be easily trans-
        ported and used by a single soldier.         General Manager and CEO, has been quoted as saying that there
                                                     could be a requirement for  200 and 400 of these tanks which are
        It makes use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and  uniquely suited for the dense vegetation prevalent in Asia.
        image-processing capabilities and can be used
        for swarm attacks. It can also be integrated  In May, it was announced that Allison Transmission would collabo-
        with various platforms. STM has also developed  rate with Caterpillar Defence, FNSS and PT Pindad on the Harimau
        variants which can be launched from multiple  programme. Allison Transmission is the largest global manufac-
        launchers fitted in armored vehicles. The loi-  turer of medium- and heavy-duty fully automatic transmissions
        tering munition can be launched from armed  for commercial and military vehicles. ‘As we continue to support
        unmanned aerial platforms as well. STM is also  Indonesia with our world-class fully automatic transmissions, Allison
        planning larger, more explosive, longer-range,  is also collaborating with customers around the world to meet their
        and faster versions of Alpagu weighing more  current and future transmission requirements for medium weight
        than 10 kg.                                  armored vehicles,’ said Dana Pittard, Vice President for Defence
                                                     Programmes at Allison Transmission. The Harimau tank uses
        FNSS Medium Tank for                         Allison’s proven cross-drive transmission technology, designed
        Indonesia                                    for medium-tracked combat vehicles, and provides propulsion,
        Turkey’s FNSS and Indonesia’s PT Pindad have   steering and braking. The automatic transmission is manufactured
        developed the ‘Harimau’ medium tank for the   under license by Caterpillar Defense in Shrewsbury, UK.
        Indonesian armed forces and as per original
        plans the new tank, which is now in full rate   FNSS  had  also  entered  into  a  contract  with  the  Philippines
        production, was to be made available for export   Department of National Defence (DND) to provide stabilized one-
        from 2023. The new medium tank weighs 32     man turrets production, integration and logistics support services
        tons and has a power to weight ratio of 20 HP   to the Philippine Army. The contract has been in force since August
        / ton. It can attain a maximum speed of 70 km   2020. The turrets will be integrated on Philippines military vehicles
        / hour and accommodate a crew of three (com-  in October 2021 and training and logistics support services will be
        manders, gunner and driver). Nail Kurt, FNSS   completed by December 2021. The project is being handled under
                                                     a Defence Industry Cooperation Agreement signed between Turkey
                                                     and the Philippines governments. The one-man turrets will receive
                                                     a state-of-art fire control capability and sight systems (day / night)
                                                     from FNSS. The turrets will be manufactured at FNSS facilities, will
                                                     then be integrated into tracked armored vehicles by FNSS in the
                                                     Philippines and delivered to the user. The acceptance tests will
                                                     take place both in Turkey and the Philippines and the training for
                                                     the turrets will be held in Philippines under the integrated logistics
                                                     support services activities.

                                                     FNSS is also providing several Amphibious Armored Combat
                                                     Earthmover (AACE) vehicles to the Philippines under a contract
                                                     underway since November 2020. The vehicles are to be delivered
                                                     along with their training and logistic support services by the end
                                                     of March 2023. The AACE vehicles are already in service with the
                                                     Turkish armed forces.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    August 2021 | 13
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