Page 34 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 34

to limits of the battery. In addition the use of
                                                                       an “umbilical” guarantee power’s to use more
                                                                       powerful  thrusters  to  effectively  contrast
                                                                       underwater current. Furthermore, the possi-
                                                                       bility to connect many different payloads to the   [ COLUMN ]
                                                                       docking plate of the WROV makes the SRV a
                                                                       real dual-use system, allowing alternative pay-
                                                                       loads not only for Defence applications but
                                                                       also industrial and offshore ones, with major
                                                                       benefits for the Final User’s Country

                                                                       Submarine Ventilation System
                                                                       One of the first actions to do after locating
                                                                       a DISSUB (identification of the DATUM) is to
                                                                       provide fresh air and heat to the survivors. A
                                                                       state of art SVS system is designed to provide
                                                                       sufficient ventilation to a DISSUB even in the
                                                                       most challenging and distressed emergency
                                                                       situations. Compared to onboard traditional
                                                                       systems, a modern SVS is based on the uti-
                                                                       lization of an underwater ventilation capsule,
                                                                       containing a suction compressor which is there-
                                                                       fore positioned immediately adjacent to the
                                                                       DISSUB (around 15 meters). A ROV extracts the
                                                                       suction and supply hoses from the dedicated
                                                                       pods installed in the capsule, and these cables
                                                                       are connected to the air ventilation and signal
                                                                       ports on the external surface of the DISSUB.

                                                                       Thanks to the minimal size and length of the
                                                                       suction line, the compressor can satisfy the
                                                                       requirement of air recirculation without any
                                                                       pressure build-up inside the DISSUB, thereby
                                                                       operating at atmospheric pressure. By maintain-
                                                                       ing the atmospheric pressure in the Submarine,
        with unlimited possibility for personal growth and reducing asso-  the evacuation of the DISSUB is achieved with
        ciated costs at the same time. In addition, there are many subsea   a simpler, safer and faster procedure at every
        activities that could be performed by a WROV keeping the oper-  depth, avoiding complex and long decompres-
        ators trained in real scenarios, sharing costs between different   sion procedures or transfer under pressure to
        Government Branches for various activities not only SubMarine   a hyperbaric chamber after the rescue from
        Escape & Rescue (SMER) if any.
                                                                       the submarine.
        Regarding the endurance, the use of the umbilical cable gives   In  the  event  of  distressed  submarine,  it  is
        virtually unlimited mission duration; the mission will never end due
                                                                       of utmost importance to put in place all the
                                                                       actions to guarantee the highest level of suc-
                                                                       cess in the search and rescue operation. The
                                                                       submarine’s crew, the support ship’s crew and
                                                                       the DISSUB Support Team must be trained and
                                                                       have access to the most modern, efficient and
                                                                       state of art equipment available on the market.
                                                                       It is an investment that cannot be waived, and
                                                                       must be a priority for all the Navies with a
                                                                       Submarines Fleet in service.

                                                                       Caio Mussolini
                                                                       ITN former Submarine Officer

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