Page 32 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 32

the escape hatch and crewed by two opera-
                                                                       tors. The cylinder capsule is composed of three
                                                                       independent sub-systems: the upper lock, the
                                                                       lower trunk and the ballast water tanks. The
                                                                       maximum allowable internal pressure is 5 bar   [ COLUMN ]
                                                                       / 6ATA and the maximum depth rating of a SR
                                                                       is 300 msw.

                                                                       Escape drills are carried out necessary with the
                                                                       participation of a support ship, and a submarine
                                                                       bottoming at a safe depth (e.g. 60/80 meters).
                                                                       The system suffers for strong underwater cur-
                                                                       rent and submarine pitch/roll on the seabed;
                                                                       however, the reduced acquisition costs and
                                                                       easiness of management (and maintenance)
                                                                       make the new updated version of this system,
                                                                       still a very good solution for small Navies.

                                                                       Submarine Rescue Vehicle
                                                                       The most modern Submarine Rescue Vehicle
                                                                       (SRV)  is  an  underwater  remotely  operated
                                                                       system, launched from a moon pool (it offers
                                                                       the  highest  reliability  and  safety  standards
                                                                       even in extreme sea conditions thanks to the
                                                                       rail guides and protection of a passive cursor)
                                                                       or from fixed/portable Launch and Recovery
                                                                       System (LARS) A-Frame type.

                                                                       The  “Ciro”  (Core  Installation  for  Rescue
                                                                       Operations)  model  in  the  photo,  recently
                                                                       selected by the Italian Navy as a SRV for the
                                                                       new SDO-SuRS (Special & Diving Operations
                                                                       - Submarine Rescue Ship, the new vessel for
                                                                       the rescue of submarines), is equipped with a
                                                                       new variable inclination skirt to mate with the
                                                                       DIStressed SUBmarine (DISSUB) if pitched
                                                                       and/or rolled and allowing faster adjustment
        rine, providing protection against the cold and due the bright color   to better pair on the DISSUB. This system can
        easy to localize when reaching the surface waiting to be rescued.  transport up to 19 people (with the possibility
        This escape’s system can be employed usually up to 150m gong up   to increase the capacity up to 25 in emergency
        to a maximum depth of 180m, at a rate of 7/8 persons per each exit   conditions) per trip and can operate with sig-
        trunk. The possible health consequences increase with the escape   nificant wave up to sea state 6. The use of a
        depth, so a quick surface support for the evacuees is of the most   standard Working Remotely Operated Vehicle
        vital importance. Training on this escape technique is carried out   (WROV), not integrated with the rescue cap-
        periodically in dedicated “escape trunk” ground facilities, where it   sule, allows an easy plug and play connection.
        is possible to simulate all the procedure to leave the submarine.  In addition, there is the possibility to use the
                                                                       WROV as a stand-alone unit for other purposes
        In the escape trunk the lower hatch is opened to allow the access   thanks to the dual use capacity of the system
        of the trainer and then shut. It is filled with water and brought to the   especially  for  the  first  subsea  intervention
        same outside pressure with HP air. This allows the opening of the   phases in a DISSUB Scenario.
        outside hatch, leaving the trainer free to rise up the surface thank
        to the expansion of the air in the hood, that provides buoyancy and   As the WROV is an industrial and well proven
        a bubble of air to breathe.                                    technology, there is the possibility to train also
                                                                       the End User personnel on industrial simulators
        To the Rescue                                                  and on Industrial and Offshore applications,
        This is a mechanic rescue system derived from the Mc Cann Bell  without the need to operate in real Submarine
        and needs the support of a ship. Modern Submarine Rescue bell are  Rescue  scenarios.  This  allows  keeping  the
        designed for the rescue of up to nine DISSUB personnel, throughout  WROV pilots trained and updated at all times,

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