Page 30 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 30

Proficient                                                     cuits existing onboard. The training programme   [ COLUMN ]                          AIR | LAND | NAVAL | SECURITY | JOINT

                                                                       for new submariners is usually divided in two
                                                                       parts:  a  basic  course  on-ground  premises
                                                                       (where the engineering and submarine funda-
                                                                       mentals are taught) that last from three up to
        in  Safety                                                     six months, and a further period of apprentice-
                                                                       ship at sea.

                                                                       I will not explore the warfare or engineering
                                                                       specific operative training courses, instead I’ll
                                                                       focus on emergency training, which gives to
                                                                       the crewmates all the skills to respond to any
                                                                       dangerous event in a correct way or to leave
         RIGOROUS SAFETY TRAINING FOR                                  a distressed submarine. Skills are the result
         SUBMARINERS DEVELOPS INSTINCTIVE                              of drills and procedures – improved after any
         RESPONSES THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE                            event or experience – that should increase the
         BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH IN EMERGENCY                           probability of success after any event that can
                                                                       jeopardize the submarine’s or crew safety.
                                                                       Damage Control is Key to
        The recent accident of the Indonesian submarine Nanggala-402   Survival
        brought the attention to the intrinsic sailing risks of submarines   The whole submarine’s crew is trained to fight
        and, notwithstanding the Hollywood movies, still remain a quite   any casualty in an ‘instinctive’ way developing,
        unknown reality for the majority of the people. Even visiting a sub-  through continuous drills during the sailing, all
        marine is more complex and difficult than visiting a ship and it is   the skills required to contrast any emergency
        more appropriate to consider a submarine like an airplane, instead   situation. The most common areas of training
        a ship, with all the risks deriving from moving in a three-dimension   are Firefighting, water leakage, blackout and
        environment and associates dangers. This peculiarity is one of the   lack of power, emergency rise, rudder prob-                                               26-28 JANUARY 2022
        reasons why the submarines’ crews are usually trained more than   lems, emergency torpedo launch, gas or smoke                                                  MAKUHARI MESSE
        other navy crews, before and during the period on board mainly   presence onboard. Drills are periodically exe-
        focusing on safety and emergency that it is considered paramount.
                                                                       cuted taking advantages of the training centers
                                                                       onshore also, where it is possible to simulate a
                                                                       real emergency situation, like fire onboard or
                                                                       water leakages from pipes or valves.

                                                                       Most Navies have dedicated training centers,
                                                                       where all the submariners follow the individual
                                                                       or team training courses in operative and safety
                                                                       topics.  The  most  developed  and  advanced
                                                                       Navies, have premises with hydraulic simu-
                                                                       lators of the submarine’s control room, that
                                                                       replicates the equipment and consoles of a                                  JAPAN’S ONLY FULLY INTEGRATED
                                                                       real submarine, and managed by a software
                                                                       that can simulate any operative situation to                                                 DEFENCE EVENT
                                                                       the limit, and analyze at a later time the crew’s
                                                                       reactions, decisions and response to simulated

                                                                       Making a Quick Escape                                                               BOOK YOUR STAND TODAY
                                                                       In case of a submarine in distress, depending on
        Rigorous Training Without Exception                            the depths, there are some methods and proce-
        Contrary to the ships, the entire submarine’s crew (Enlisted, Petty-  dures that can be used to leave the submarine.
        Officer and Officers) are made of volunteer. Before joining the  There is the individual escape and the group
        submarine training process usually, they must pass medical and  escape route. The individual escape consists                                                                                   Media Partner
        psychological selection tests, in addition to assessments and oral  in leaving the submarine from the hatch, with    
        examinations. Being a submariner is highly demanding from a tech-  a special designed suit [e.g., series Submarine
        nical point of view, and each member of the crew must have wide  Escape Immersion Equipment (SEIE)] designed                   @DSEI_Japan_EN
        and deep knowledge of the submarine and all the systems and cir-  to allow a free ascent from a distressed subma-

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