Page 16 - ADT JANUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 16

lease of the unarmed systems was made possible by a new defence  180 km/h and can also fly as fast as 235 km/h.
        ministry initiative that allows the  three services to take military  Designed to conduct short distance take-offs
        equipment, including drones, helicopters, transport aircraft and  and landings within 700 meters of runway, the
        simulators, on lease. The Ministry of Defence is also currently  Black Eagle, which looks similar to the CH-4 or
        negotiating with IAI to arm the existing fleet of Heron drones with  the MQ-9 Reaper, will be able to carry payloads
        air to surface missile and laser guided bombs.                 up to 300 kg and stay in flight for up to 30
                                                                       hours. The mass production of the Elang Hitam
        Indigenous Production                                          UAV was initially scheduled for 2024, but the
        Even as it acquires drones from international companies, India is  country has had a change of plans. According   [ UNMANNED  SYSTEMS ]
        also making progress in its efforts to produce  indigenous UAVs  to the revised schedule, the drone will enter
        In October 2020, a  little over a year after the aircraft crashed  mass production as early as in 2022.
        during tests in Chitradurga, Defence Research and Development
        Organisation (DRDO) conducted successful flight tests of Rustom-2  Another country that is working to induct an
        reconnaissance drone. The MALE prototype drone will continue  indigenously made military drone into its fleet
        to undergo test and user trials before being inducted by the three  is Taiwan. The country has made considerable
        services. Rustom 2, which is one in the Rustom line of UAVs that  progress on the development of "Teng Yun"
        includes Rustom-I, Rustom-H and Rustom-C, has an endurance of  (Cloud  Rider)  MALE  UAV,  military  officials
        24 hours and can carry payloads of up to 350kg.                told local media in August last year. Bearing a
                                                                       close resemblance to MQ-1 Predator, the pro-
                                                                       totype of the drone was unveiled in 2015. The
                                                                       National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and
                                                                       Technology (NCSIST) is currently working on
                                                                       an improved model. Even as it continues with
                                                                       the development of the UAV, Taiwan will expand
                                                                       its UAV fleet. In November, the Trump adminis-
                                                                       tration approved a US$600 million deal to sell
                                                                       armed MQ-9B RPAS and related equipment to
                                                                       the country. The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF)
                                                                       does not currently operate any armed UAVs,
                                                                       but Thailand is working on developing an armed
                                                                       drone. In 2019, Thai company RV Connex exhib-
                                                                       ited its Sky Scout-X UAV fitted with Thales
                                                                       Freefall Lightweight Multirole Missiles (FFLMM)
                                                                       under its wings.

                                                                       Acquisition Programmes
                                                                       India’s focus on acquiring armed military drones
                                                                       comes in the backdrop of two hostile neighbors
                                                                       cozying up to each other. Reports indicate that
                                                                       China has supplied 50 Wing Loong II armed
                                                                       drones and CH-4 MALE UAVs to Pakistan.
                                                                       Pakistan also has “Project Azm,” under which it
                                                                       is developing a MALE UAV, munitions as well as a
                                                                       fifth-generation fighter. The development of the
                                                                       UAV seems to be progressing smoothly; at the
                                                                       Dubai Airshow in 2019, Pakistan Aeronautical
                                                                       Complex shoed illustration of the drone as well
                                                                       as photos of its test launch.

                                                                       Eager to bolster its maritime surveillance capa-
                                                                       bilities, the Royal Malaysian Air Force plans to
        Indonesia is currently working on the Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) a  add four maritime patrol aircraft and six MALE
        multi-mission  MALE UAV.  State-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia  UAS. In August 2020, the country issued ten-
        (PTDI) has designed the airframe while state-owned PT Len will  ders  for  three MALE  UAVS,  ground-based
        build the military equipment. According to specifications released  radars and two Maritime Patrol Aircraft. Among
        by PTDI, the prototype Black Eagle UAV features a 16 m wingspan  the companies interested in the drones acqui-
        with an 8.65 m long and 2.6 m high fuselage. The drone, which has a  sition program are GA-ASI, with its MQ-9B,
        maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,300 kg, can carry up to 420  Leonardo with the Falco, Aviation Industry
        kg of fuel. It has a desired cruise speed of between 50 km/h and  Corporation of China with its Wing Loong family

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