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modernize and train its armed forces. However, based on the official highlights gaps and shortcomings in the data [ COVER STORY ]
figures provided by the government, Egypt’s military expenditure reported by the Egyptian government. In par-
averaged a comparatively moderate, by regional standards, US$3.8 ticular, it shows that despite the availability and
billion annually over the past decade. Egypt thus appears to have accessibility of data and the existence of dis-
one of the lowest levels of military spending in MENA. Based on aggregated figures in the official budget, the
its official figures, in 2019 Egypt had the ninth-highest spending reported information still does not appear to be
among the 14 countries in the region for which data is available. fully comprehensive and transparent. While it
is clear that some elements of military spend-
ing are covered in the official military budget
Military Budget Trends costs of other elements of military spending do
According to the SIPRI, in nominal terms, there was a visible upward not seem to be entirely reflected in the official
trend in Egypt’s officially reported military spending in Egyptian military budget. This appears to be the case
pounds over the period 2010/11–2019/20. In 2019/20 Egypt’s nom- for Egypt’s arms procurement spending,” SIPRI
inal military budget was 161 per cent higher than in 2010/11. Over noted.
the 10-year period, annual levels of nominal growth ranged between
0.3 and 27 per cent, with the largest increase occurring between
financial years 2013/14 and 2014/15. The nominal growth in spend- Going Local
ing was probably mainly due to increased spending on salaries. Last year, Egypt had announced a plan to boost
MENA is undergoing rapid militarization with nearly all MENA states local manufacturing of weapons with the ulti-
directly or indirectly involved in regional conflicts while simultane- mate aim to export them to Africa. Minister of
ously accumulating major arms. State for Military Production Mohamed al-As-
sar announced a plan to develop the arms and
In 2019 the combined military expenditure of MENA countries for ammunition production of the companies affil-
which data is available totaled an estimated US$162 billion. Of iated with the ministry, with a total investment
this, Egyptian military spending accounted for 2.3 per cent of the of about 7.5 billion Egyptian pounds (US$479
total, ranking it ninth in the region. Amid long-standing conflicts million). “The plan includes the modernization
and rivalries in the region, growing threat perceptions and terrorist and addition of 84 production lines. After its
activities, 12 of the region’s countries were known to have increased implementation, Egypt will not import a single
their military spending between 2010 and 2019, half of those by round of ammunition. Egypt wants Egyptians
more than 30 per cent. However, according to official government to manufacture their own weapons and the
data, Egypt’s military expenditure fell in real terms over the period. plan needs three years to be properly imple-
“In-depth exploration of the official military budget figures for Egypt mented,” the minister said. Last year, Egypt’s
ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY November / December 2021 | 7