Page 26 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 26

                                                                       nologies for military satellites, the Defense               THE PRESIDENT OF THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT, THE SUPREME COMMANDER OF THE EGYPTIAN ARMED FORCES
                                                                       Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA)
                                                                       announced in August that a high-level task
                                                                       force, led by DAPA vice chief and comprising   [ SPACE ]
                                                                       key personnel from the Ministry of National
                                                                       Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Agency                                                            29 NOV – 2 DEC 2021
                                                                       for Defense Development and other govern-                                                                 EGYPT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTRE
                                                                       ment entities, would draw up a Space Defense
                                                                       Project Master Plan, in cooperation with related                                                                           
                                                                       organizations and industries, “to develop regu-
                                                                       lations, technologies, industries, facilities and
                                                                       infrastructure concerned.”                                                                                                               @egyptdefenceexpo

                                                                       The formation of the task force is just the first                                                                                            /egyptdefenceexpo
                                                                       step of  a larger plan to not only boost the
                                                                       country’s military space capabilities but also                                                                                                   @visitedex
                                                                       ensure that civil space capabilities keep pace.
                                                                       The space development road map also has the
                                                                       backing of South Korea’s two biggest defence                                                                                                         #EDEX2021
                                                                       contractors – Hanwha and Korea Aerospace
                                                                       Industries (KAI) – besides other companies.
                                                                       The private sector is expected to play a major
                                                                       role in ensuring that the Agency for Defense
                                                                       Development’s decision to transfer core satel-
                                                                       lite technologies to local defense contractors,
                                                                       in preparation for the mass production of mili-
                                                                       tary satellites, is a success.

                                                                       “Space  programs  can  be  developed  fur-
                                                                       ther through active and organic cooperation
                                                                       between government agencies to address the
                                                                       various demands from defense, science and
                                                                       technology, and industry,” Seo Hyung-jin, vice                                             THE 2  EDITION OF EGYPT’S ONLY
                                                                       commissioner of DAPA, told reporters. “In that
                                                                       regard, the space task force will play an active                                           INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION
                                                                       role in boosting the space industry under a mid-
        Poised for  term and long-term road map.”                                                                                                                 EGYPT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTRE
        Growth                                                         Defensive Capabilities                                                                     29 NOV - 2 DEC 2021

                                                                       With space becoming an important war domain,
                                                                       South Korea has shifted its   focus to building
                                                                       up defensive capabilities against rogue play-
                                                                       ers and their acts of aggression in space. In                                   400 +                     30,000 +                    FULLY-HOSTED VIP
                                                                                                                                                                                                             DELEGATION PROGRAMME
         THE PRIVATE SECTOR GETS SOLIDLY BEHIND                        September last year, the country’s  air force
         SOUTH KOREA’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO                           set up a satellite monitoring unit as part of the
                                                                       "Space Odyssey" project that aims to have a
         ENHANCE ITS MILITARY AND CIVIL SPACE                          space monitoring system in place by 2030,              Headline Sponsor     Platinum Sponsors                                 Gold Sponsors
         CAPABILITIES                                                  launch satellites from the air using transport
                                                                       planes by 2040, and have defensive capabilities
                                                                       against space weapons by 2050.
           Arun Sivasankaran
                                                                                                                              Bronze Sponsors                                                        Media Partner
                                                                       In November las year, Hanwha Systems, one
         With the U.S. lifting restrictions earlier this year on South Korea’  of the three companies under Hanwha, the
         missile production program, the country’s military space programs  country’s biggest defence contractor and the
         look set to take off.                                         most active domestic player in the space arena,
                                                                       was picked to lead a five-year state project to         Supported by                                                                                    Organised by
         Close on the heels of it endorsing a plan to invest nearly US$13  develop a laser tracking system that can accu-
         billion over the next decade to help local industries develop tech-  rately track space objects. This would be one

                                                                                                                                 Ministry of         Egyptian Armed         Ministry of Military
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