Page 29 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 29

A True                                   [ REPORT  ]


        SOUTH KOREA IS NOW AMONG THE                 largest arms exporter in 2014-2018, improved its position to 9th in
        TOP TEN ARMS EXPORTERS IN THE                the 2016-2020 period, slotting in just below Israel and above coun-
        WORLD AND LOOKS PRIMED TO                    tries such as Italy, Netherlands, Ukraine and Turkey. The country’s
                                                     arms exports were, in fact, 210 %  higher in 2016–20 than in 2011–15,
        CLIMB FURTHER UP THE LIST                    giving it a 2.7 per cent share of global arms exports. In 2017, South
                                                     Korea’s total defence products exports were about US$3.1 billion,
                                                     up from less than US$1 billion in 2010.
           Arun Sivasankaran
                                                     In 2020 alone, South Korea ranked sixth among major arms export-
         In South Korea’s success story lies a lesson for   ers, up from 31st in 2000. As much as 55 % of the country’s arms
         countries that want to ensure that their military   exports in 2016-2020  were to Asia and Oceania while the 23%
         needs are met, even while looking for ways to   of the arms were exported to  Europe and 14% to the Middle East.
         expedite the growth of the domestic defence   With its domestic defence industry coming of age, analysts expect
         industry and reduce the dependence on arms   the country’s share of the global arms imports to increase further
         imports.                                    during the decade.

         From being one of the top buyers of US weapons   The country’s defence exports, so far dominated by armoured
         not so long ago, South Korea now stand poised   vehicles, tanks and fighter jet trainers, along with other products
         for a substantial leap in its arms exports, thanks   such as cluster bombs and rocket launchers, is set to spike with
         to a comprehensive strategy that focuses on   the country developing new helicopters and unmanned aircraft.
         developing new capabilities by encouraging   The T-50 military trainer, developed by Korea Aerospace Industries
         the growth of the domestic defence industry,   (KAI) in partnership with Lockheed Martin, has particularly been in
         introducing emerging technologies and work-  high demand by overseas militaries.
         ing with likeminded international partners on
         weapons development.                        In August this year, KAI, which has also been successful in exporting
                                                     its KT-1 turboprop basic trainer, the TA-50 Lead in Fighter Trainer
         The numbers tell a story of continuous growth.   (LIFT) and FA-50 light combat aircraft, announced that it would
         According to SIPRI, South Korean imports were   deliver two more T-50 military trainers by November 2023 to
         94% higher in the 2014-2018 period compared   Thailand, which has already taken delivery of 12 of the trainers.
         to 2009–2013. The country, which was the 11th   Indonesia is another major customer, with 16 T-50 aircraft already

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