Page 30 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 30

part of its fleet and six more on the way. The country’s T-50s have  of understanding with Babcock International
        been enhanced to have light attack capabilities.               to work together to design and build the new
                                                                       CVX, the country’s light aircraft carrier.

        All Eyes on KF-21                                              "THIS PARTNERSHIP IS TO COLLATE             [ REPORT  ]
        South Korea expects its defence exports to receive a significant
        boost when the  KF-21 Boramae/Fighting Hawk, South Korea’s  THE CORE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE
        homegrown supersonic jet fighter, enters mass production and   TWO COMPANIES TO WIN AN
        becomes available for sale to other countries. A joint project involv-  ORDER FOR THE BASIC DESIGN OF
        ing South Korea and Indonesia, with  Seoul holding 80% of shares   A LIGHT AIRCRAFT CARRIER AND
        and Jakarta 20%, the prototype of the KF-21 was unveiled in  April
        this year and has its inaugural flight slated for 2022. The jet will  TO BUILD A SHIP. HYUNDAI HEAVY
        replace South Korea's F-4 and F-5 fighters and could eventually   INDUSTRIES AND BABCOCK HAD
        also push the air force’s fourth-generation F-16s and F-15Ks out of   SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE
        service. For its 20% stake in the project, Indonesia is expected to   CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, THE FIRST
        receive 50 aircraft of the type and also benefit from technology
        transfer.                                                      STAGE OF SHIP DESIGN, LAST
                                                                       YEAR," Hyundai said in a statement.
        With a maximum payload of 7,700 kilograms, the KF-21 will have
        10 pods for air-to-air missiles and other weapons and is designed   Korea Aerospace Industries is reportedly
        to be capable of flying at 2,200 kph , even faster than the F-35,   considering partnering with foreign aircraft
        Lockheed Martin’s fifth-generation fighter, with a flying range of   manufacturers such as Brazil’s Embraer,
        2,900 km. Dubbed a 4.5-generation fighter, the KF-21 plane lacks   Ukraine’s  Antonov  or  Airbus  Defence  and
                                                                       Space, to build a military transport plane. In
                                                                       May this year, KAI released a short promo video
                                                                       of the  proposed design for the multi-mission
                                                                       aircraft that is being designed to haul cargo,
                                                                       carry missiles, launch rockets into space, and
                                                                       refuel other aircraft. According to company offi-
                                                                       cials, there is a sizable market, both at home
                                                                       and overseas, for the aircraft that is expected
                                                                       to be built in  seven years with an investment
                                                                       of about US$2.7 billion.

                                                                       In April, the country’s Defense Acquisition
                                                                       Program Administration (DAPA) announced
                                                                       that it was keen on developing  an indigenous
                                                                       attack helicopter for the Marine Corps by 2031.
                                                                       The aircraft, which is expected to be based on
                                                                       a MUH-1 Marineon - the Marine variant of the
                                                                       country's KUH-1 Surion helicopter -  is likely to
                                                                       be promoted heavily in the international market.
        the stealth qualities of a fifth-generation aircraft but has significant
        export potential because it will be priced significantly lower than   Hurdles Remain
        the F-35 and will be more readily available to militaries. The coun-  Even though the biggest obstacle to South
        try’s growing military ties with the US is also expected to help the   Korea’s continued growth as an arms exporter
        country maximise the export potential of the fighter jet.      will continue to be the dominance of western
                                                                       defence  firms  in  the  international  market,
                                                                       there are other factors that could slow down
        Partnering for Success                                         growth. Compared to companies in China and
        Joining hands with international partners on major projects form a  Russia that can sell arms to any country they
        key component of South Korea’s plan to enhance its defence capa-  wish; strategic reasons limit the client range of

        bilities and scout for new export opportunities. In March this year,  countries that South Korea can export arms to.
        the country began discussions with the UK about collaborating on  With North American and European defence
        aircraft carrier technologies. Work on the Republic of Korea Navy's  contractors holding sway over their home turf,
        (RoKN's) future next–generation light aircraft carrier is expected to  Southeast Asia, Oceania, the Middle East and

        officially start next year and be completed by 2033. In September,  South America will continue to remain key mar-
        Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) this week signed a memorandum  kets for South Korea’s defence contractors.

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