Page 30 - ADT MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 30



        to March                                                                                                   [ INTERVIEW  TURKISH AEROSPACE ]



           Jay Menon

        When Turkey celebrates the 100th anniversary
        of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s founding of the
        modern republic in 2023, Turkish Aerospace   procurement processes.”
        plans to roll out the Turkish Fighter (TF)/MMU,
        an indigenously designed and developed multi-  For the first time in Asia, Turkish Aerospace showcased a full-scale
        role aircraft. The aircraft, designed mainly for   mock-up of the Turkish Fighter at the just concluded Singapore
        air-to-air role with a consideration to air-to-  Airshow. “We sense a lot of opportunities for this fighter and its
        surface roles as well, will meet the Turkish Air   related technologies in the Asia Pacific region, where we already
        Force (TuAF) requirements beyond 2030s, and   have established customers, including for our T129 attack heli-
        will replace the ageing F-16 fleet of TuAF.  copters (Philippines).” The main purpose of displaying the full-size
                                                     model of the aircraft is to market it in Asia Pacific as the “region is
        A New Beginning                              very important for expanding our business.” “We are open to making
        “We have chosen March 18, 2023, a day cel-   strategic decisions, and collaborations in production-oriented activ-
        ebrated as Çanakkale Victory and Martyrs’  ities, and are working on new business models,” he informed.
        Day for the roll out,” Farhat Kutlucan, TF-X
        Technologies, Business Development Strategy  Kutlucan took pride in saying that once the engineering activities
        Chief, TF-X Vice Presidency, said in an exclu-  on all the critical technologies are accomplished (e.g., increased
        sive interview on the sidelines of the Singapore  situational awareness, sensor fusion, low observability, weapon bay,
        Airshow 2022. The twin-engined TF-X pro-     …etc), which are needed by a 5th generation (or beyond) jet fighter
        gramme is scheduled to reach the Preliminary  aircraft, within the scope of TF-X Programme, Turkey will become
        Design Review (PDR) later this year. “After the  one of the few countries to possess the necessary technologies,
        roll-out next year, we plan to conduct the first  engineering infrastructure and production capabilities.
        flight of the first prototype (P-1) in 2025. We
        plan to start deliveries in 2029 to our primary  Within the scope of TF-X Program, Turkey will become one of the
        customer, the TuAF,” Kutlucan said. “Based on  few countries to possess the necessary technologies, engineering
        our assessment of the TuAF requirement, we  infrastructure and production capabilities. “The TF is planned to
        are expecting a minimum initial order of about  be kept operational in the TurAF inventory until 2070s and will be
        120 -140 units,” he said, “though our country's  interoperable with other critical assets of TurAF such as F-35As,"
        Presidency of Defense Industry decides the  he added.

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