Page 18 - ADT NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2023 Online Magazine
P. 18

define demonstration system objectives and  waters, encouraging them to develop low-frequency sonars to accu-
        identify enabling technologies needed for future  rately detect the presence of UUVs with lower acoustic signature
        systems.                                     levels.

        UUV technology is a force multiplier to manned  In 2019, Asia-Pacific region was the largest market for sonar sys-
        platforms and is essential to meet critical  tems. The region currently has the highest share in the market and
        oceanography requirements.                   is expected to register the highest CAGR in the next five years. This
                                                     is primarily due to the increasing procurement of new naval ships
                                                     and submarines, along with the upgradation of existing fleets.
        The  objective  of  oceanographic  missions’
        ranges from broad reconnaissance of large
        littoral undersea areas to detailed characteri-  With the increasing tensions in the South China Sea and the Indian
        sation of specific battle-space areas collecting  Ocean along with the growing naval fleet of China, countries in
        high quality, accurately positioned data. The  Asia-Pacific are all developing their anti-submarine warfare capa-
        focus is on the littoral, but a deep-water survey  bilities. These countries are increasing their investments into ASW
        capability is required for bottom characterisa-  equipment like sonar systems and others to enhance their situational
        tion to accomplish cable route pre-installation  awareness in the sea.
        and inspection
                                                     For instance, in 2017, Japan became the first nation to conduct
        An Emerging Class                            large-scale experimental mining of a dead hydrothermal vent off
                                                     the coast of Okinawa, inside Japan’s national waters, by dispatching
        Unmanned underwater vehicles are an emerg-   a torpedo-shaped underwater drone equipped with special sonar
        ing class of unmanned maritime vehicles (UMVs)   to map it. With such developments in terms of both vessel building
        with the potential to transform anti-submarine   and the upgradation of sonar systems, Asia-Pacific is expected to
        warfare  (ASW)  through  new  capabilities  for   generate the highest demand for sonar systems.
        sensing in the sea domain. These technologies—
        also known as “submarine drones”— employ
        active sonar to detect, characterize, and track  Competitive Landscape
        adversary submarines via an unmanned mobile   The sonar systems market is highly fragmented with a wide range
        platform under the sea.
                                                     of players providing various types of systems, such as single-beam
                                                     sonar systems, multi-beam sonar systems, full-circle scanning
        The UUV system allows access to shallow or  systems, etc., for applications, like fishing, deep-sea exploration,
        previously difficult-to-penetrate waters and  shallow water detection, enemy detection, tracking and for detect-
        provides a dynamic platform for observation  ing attacking torpedoes and missiles.
        and detection. The unmanned characteristic of
        UUVs and potential for autonomous use sepa-  Companies, such as Aselsan AS, General Dynamics Corporation,
        rate them from existing ASW technologies.
                                                     Thyssenkrupp AG, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA, and Thales Group are
                                                     some of the prominent players in the market.
        Now, UUVs have evolved into viable tools capa-
        ble of revolutionising and transforming ASW   Latest in the market is Turkish company Aselsan’ s FERSAH hull-
        through their advanced sensing capabilities.  mounted sonar system. Few years back, Aselsan unveiled the FERSAH
                                                     hull-mounted sonar system, designed to provide frigates and cor-
        In a bid to capitulate on the increasing demand
        for anti-submarine capabilities and sonar sys-
        tems, various companies are engaged in the
        manufacturing of sophisticated sonar systems,
        such as diver detection, towed, hull-mounted,
        dunking sonars, sonobuoys, and other sonar-
        based surveillance systems for the global naval

        These UUVs feature active sonar systems that
        are highly beneficial for the collection of data
        to detect, characterize and track adversary/
        enemy submarines at long ranges. Moreover,
        several  nations  have  realized  the  potential
        security threats caused by foreign UUVs in their

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