Page 10 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 10


          Despite the vulnerability to anti-armour weapons, main battle tanks
             continue to be in demand across regions and play a decisive role

                                     in complex battle environments

                                                By  ARUN SIVASANKARAN

                   ven as the Russia-Ukraine war drags on,  The ongoing war has also stirred up a longstanding
                   military heads across regions are learning  debate on main battle tanks (MBTs). Ever since the Yom
                   valuable lessons about what will work in future  Kippur War in 1973 when Arab infantry deployed Soviet-
                   battlefields. They also now have a fair idea of  built AT-3 Sagger anti-tank guided missiles to destroy
        E what won’t.                                         several Israeli tanks and armored vehicles, questions over
                                                              whether MBTs are an asset or a liability in a modern bat-
                                                              tlefield have lingered. For long the most dominant ground
        The most notable takeaway from the ongoing conflict   weapon on the battlefield, MBTs have in recent decades
        is the growing importance of military unmanned aerial   been successfully targeted by attack helicopters and
        systems (UAS) in modern warfare. So integral has Turkey’s   anti-tank weapons. The destruction of MBTs in the 2020
        Bayraktar TB2 UAS been in Ukraine thwarting Russian   conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the ongoing
        aggression that the drone has achieved something of a   Ukraine war underscores the vulnerability of the tanks not
        cult status in the country. Bayraktar now features in the   just against helicopters and anti-tank weapons but also
        lyrics of a popular Ukrainian song. A newborn lemur in Kyiv’s   against military drones and loitering munitions.
        Zoo has been named Bayraktar; a puppy at the Kyiv police
        dog training center also has the same name. Baykar, the
        Turkish maker of Bayraktar drones, has a three-year back-  Despite the hammering that they have received in recent
        log. The hype around military drones is only going to grow.  conflicts, MBTs remain in demand in military circles, with

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