Page 12 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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scheduled to start in 2025. The Leopard 2A4, the  South Korean main battle tank designed by the Agency for Defense
        first operational tank of the Leopard 2 family,  Development and manufactured by Hyundai Rotem, before picking
        is in service with several countries including  the Leopard 2. In February this year, the Norwegian military procure-
        Singapore, Austria, Chile, Denmark, Finland,  ment authority NDMA signed a contract to acquire 54 Leopard 2
        Greece, Indonesia, Norway, Poland, Spain,  MBTs. As per the deal, which also includes the option for an addi-
        Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey. In December  tional 18 units, the tanks are scheduled for delivery from 2026 to 2028.
        last year, Slovakia and the Czech Republic also
        received the tank.
                                                     The K2, which recently entered its fourth batch of mass production
                                                     for the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army, caught global attention last
        The  UK,  which  completed  delivery  of  14  July when Poland, which sent its T-72 and PT-91 tanks to Ukraine,
        Challenger 2 MBTs to Ukraine in April this year,  signed a massive US$ 5.8 billion contract for 1,000 such tanks. South
        is reviewing the planned conversion of the  Korea, which will deliver 180 of the tanks to the Polish army, has
        British Army’s Challenger 2 MBTs to Challenger  already sent the first batch to the East European nation. Poland will
        3s. The original plan, which was announced in  produce 820 of them.
        2021, involved upgrading 148 Challenger 2 tanks
        to Challenger 3s and retiring the remaining 79   Indigenous Capabilities
        tanks. The number is set to rise as the Army has
        just 157 Challenger 2 MBTs available for oper-  The project has been hit by delays, but Turkey is making progress on
        ations even though it has a theoretical fleet of  its Altay main battle tank project. Two Altay tanks were delivered to
        227 vehicles.                                the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in April this year. The final trials of the
                                                     MBT are expected to be completed by the end of 2024. Turkish land
                                                     vehicle manufacturer BMC has integrated a South Korean engine
        The Abrams MBT is in demand in Eastern Europe.   into the vehicle, having signed agreements with South Korean firms
        In April last year, Poland signed a deal worth   Doosan Infracore and S&T Dynamics to deliver the tank engine
        about US$4.75 billion to purchase 250 M1A2
        Abrams SEPv3 tanks. This January, the coun-
        try signed another contract, this one valued
        at  US$1.4  billion,  to  acquire  116  used  M1A1
        Abrams from the U.S. In May this year, Romania
        announced its intention to purchase 54 used
        M1A2 Abrams SEPv3 tanks for US%1.1 billion. The
        tanks will replace some of the country’s ageing
        MBTs from the Soviet era.

        Lithuania, another country that considered
        acquiring the Abrams, has instead opted for
        Leopard 2 as its first ever MBT. The country,
        which is planning to acquire 54 of the tanks,
        had also considered the K2 Black Panther, the

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