Page 35 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 35

and incapacitate a more advanced    remote-controlled weapon sta-       out-swarm the enemy or counter
        naval vessel, reiterating the vulner-  tions mounted on tanks and even   swarm tactics effectively. The forces
        ability of modern ships to swarming   directed energy weapons (DEWs)    that can deploy vast numbers of
        tactics.                            that can engage drones, are being   autonomous platforms – whether
                                            introduced to make MBTs more        drones, fast attack boats, or robotic
        On land, the Russo-Ukrainian con-   survivable.                         ground units – will likely hold a
        flict has shown a similar shift. Both                                   significant advantage in future
        modern naval vessels and MBTs,      This has led to divided military opin-  conflicts.
        once considered the backbone of     ion. While some view tanks as relics
        modern navies and armies, are       destined to follow battleships into   However, as swarm tactics become
        now vulnerable to cheap drones      obsolescence, others believe that   more widespread, the demand for
        carrying explosives. If even a single   with the right adaptations, MBTs will   countermeasures will drive new
        drone or USV – costing a fraction   continue to play a vital role in future   defensive technologies. Artificial
        of what a warship or tank does –    warfare. Advanced armour, active    intelligence (AI)-driven targeting
        can immobilise or destroy these     protection systems, and integrated   systems, directed energy weapons
        larger war machines with precision   electronic warfare tools may ensure   like lasers, and electronic warfare
        strikes, a swarm of them becomes a  tanks remain relevant for years to   tools will be crucial for neutralis-
        nightmare for even the most well-   come.                               ing large numbers of small, agile
        equipped enemy.                                                         threats. Area denial systems, such
                                            Future Technologies                 as automated gun turrets or anti-air-
        The effectiveness of these tac-                                         craft lasers, will also be essential in
        tics lies in their ability to saturate   Looking ahead, some military and   repelling swarm attacks.
        defences. Even the most advanced    defence observers think that the
        defence systems can only handle     next wave of combat technology
        so many threats simultaneously.     could involve exoskeletons or even   Ultimately, future conflicts may
        By launching multiple attacks from   mecha-like platforms: fast-moving,   be won by the side that can out-
        different angles and directions,    agile, heavily armed suits that could   manoeuvre and outnumber its
        swarm tactics overwhelm defensive   provide a nimbler alternative to    opponent using fast, affordable, and
        systems, pushing them to breaking   tanks. While mechas remain largely   intelligent platforms – whether on
        point.                              in the realm of science fiction,    land, at sea, or in the air.
                                            exoskeletons are already being
        Are MBTs Obsolete?                  developed by military forces world-  Changing Battlefields
                                            wide. These exoskeletons enhance
        The vulnerability of MBTs to swarm-  a soldier’s strength, endurance,   Asymmetric warfare has been a
        ing tactics has sparked debate      and mobility, enabling them to carry   defining feature of military history,
        over their relevance in modern      heavier weapons and supplies or     and in the age of swarming tactics,
        warfare. Critics argue that tanks   perform advanced manoeuvres in      it is more relevant than ever. From
        are increasingly unsuited for con-  battle.                             the decline of the battleship to the
        temporary conflicts, as they are                                        vulnerability of MBTs, the trend
        large, slow-moving, and expensive   Hypothetical mechas, if ever real-  is clear: large, heavily armoured
        to build and maintain. In contrast,   ised, would combine the best of   platforms are increasingly vulnera-
        drones, light anti-tank infantry, and   both worlds by offering the mobility   ble to small, fast, and inexpensive
        mobile artillery can engage tanks   of infantry and the firepower of a   threats. Whether through drones,
        from a distance, making them easy   tank. Armed with railguns or anti-  autonomous vehicles, or future
        targets for low-cost, high-efficiency   tank missiles, such platforms could   developments such as exoskele-
        weapons.                            potentially outflank or overwhelm   tons and mechas, the battlefield is
                                            traditional armoured vehicles,      changing.
        However, many tank-producing        rendering them obsolete. Although
        nations are still actively developing   such technology remains distant,   In this new era of warfare, quantity
        next-generation MBTs that incor-    the development of autonomous       often trumps quality. The side that
        porate advanced sensors, active     robotic systems suggests that       can swarm the battlefield with over-
        defence systems, and anti-drone     something along these lines could   whelming numbers – or successfully
        countermeasures. Taking lessons     one day become reality.             counter these swarms – will likely
        from past and ongoing conflicts,                                        emerge victorious. In non-nuclear
        these modern tanks are designed     Swarm vs Counter-Swarm              warfare, the battlefield will belong to
        to survive in an environment                                            those who can out-swarm or out-
        where unmanned systems and          As swarming tactics continue to     think their enemies, using the latest
        asymmetric tactics are common-      evolve, victory in future warfare   technology and asymmetric strate-
        place. New innovations, such as     may depend on the ability to either   gies to gain dominance..
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                       AUGUST - OCTOBER 2024  | 35
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