Page 36 - ADT AUG - OCT 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 36
By YULIAN ARDIANSYAH has faced challenges, with various the substantial addition of fast mis-
A s Indonesia enters a new as of 2024. Under Prabowo’s lead- capable of launching cruise missiles
sile boats and attack submarines
components remaining unrealised
and deploying long-range torpe-
ership, the focus will shift towards
phase under the leader-
implementing the Trident Shield
does, alongside the reintroduction
ship of Prabowo Subianto,
a retired Army general, the nation’s strategy, which aims to rectify past of destroyer-class warships and the
military strategy is poised for sig- shortcomings and respond proac- acquisition of Landing Helicopter
nificant transformation. Prabowo’s tively to regional security dynamics. Deck (LHD) vessels. Moreover,
vision, encapsulated in the concept coastal defence capabilities will
of “Perisai Trisula Nusantara,” or New Defence Strategy be strengthened with missiles that
“Archipelagic Trident Shield,” rep- have ranges extending up to 300
resents a comprehensive approach Prabowo’s defence strategy is km, ensuring that Indonesia can
to modernising Indonesia’s military divided into three distinct dimen- secure its vast maritime domain
capabilities. This development sions: the Archipelagic Ocean against potential incursions.
comes at a critical juncture, as geo- Shield, the Archipelagic Land
political tensions in Southeast Asia, Shield, and the Archipelagic Archipelagic Land Shield
particularly in the South China Sea Air Shield. Each component is
and Taiwan Strait, intensify. designed to address specific threats On land, the Archipelagic Land
and bolster Indonesia’s defence Shield will integrate cutting-edge
posture. technologies such as unmanned
Mixed Success aerial vehicles (UAVs) and
unmanned combat aerial vehicles
The modernisation of Indonesia’s Archipelagic Ocean Shield (UCAVs). The strategy calls for new
national military (TNI) has been a acquisitions of attack helicopters
long-term goal, articulated through The Archipelagic Ocean Shield will and additional transport aircraft,
the previous administrations’ feature a robust naval presence, alongside an upgrade of the exist-
Minimum Essential Forces (MEF) including the acquisition of new ing fleet. Key land capabilities will
programme. Launched in three frigates equipped with advanced be enhanced with the procure-
phases starting in 2009, the MEF surface-to-air and surface-to-sur- ment of infantry fighting vehicles,
aimed to enhance military readiness face missiles. The Indonesian multipurpose armoured vehicles,
and capabilities, but its completion Navy’s modernisation will also see additional orders for medium tanks,