Page 20 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 20
The country is strengthening its stand-off defence capabilities
J apan has conducted the Glide Phase Interceptor projects.
first test of its hypersonic
weapon in the United States, The development of a counter-hy-
Self-Defence Forces are strength-
and the two countries are now plan- personic capability is a pressing “The Ministry of Defence and the
ning to co-develop interceptors to need for both countries to address ening the stand-off defence
shoot down hypersonic missiles. challenges in the Indo-Pacific capabilities in order to quickly and
region. Following the test, the remotely intercept and eliminate
United States Department of invading forces against our country,”
“We have recently con- Defence (DoD) and Japan Ministry the ATLA official added. In order
ducted a pre-launch test of of Defence (MOD) have finalized a to quickly build up this capability,
a high-velocity gliding mis- formal agreement for a Glide Phase Japan has also signed an agree-
sile for island defence,” Interceptor (GPI) cooperative devel- ment with the U.S. to acquire up to
opment project arrangement under
50 AGM-158B/B-2 joint air-to-sur-
an official of Japan’s Acquisition the U.S.-Japan bilateral memoran- face standoff missiles with extended
Technology & Logistics Agency dum of understanding for research, range (JASSM-ER) through an FMS
(ATLA) said. development, test and evaluation contract. The principal contractor