Page 16 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 16

Market Force

        Asia and the Middle East could
        soon emerge as major markets
        for the C-390. In December 2023,
        South Korea emerged as the C-390
        Millennium’s first customer in Asia.
        South Korea’s Defence Acquisition
        Program Administration (DAPA)
        selected the C-390 Millennium as
        the winner of its Large Transport   (AEW&C) aircraft and the ERJ 135    The C-390 features a modern
        Aircraft (LTA) II public tender to   operating as a VVIP transport.     automated Cargo Handling System
        deliver a new military transport                                        (CHS), with a dedicated mission
        aircraft to the Republic of Korea Air                                   station that allows for safe and
        Force (ROKAF). Under the signed     Multi-Role Machine                  effective operation of the system by
        contract for an undisclosed number                                      a single loadmaster. The aircraft’s
        of aircraft, Embraer will also provide   The C-390 Millennium features a   unobstructed cargo compartment
        a comprehensive consortium and      unique design ethos, and open       provides room for up to seven 463L
        offset package including a signifi-  architecture which will allow the   pallets, with up to 23 metric tons of
        cant amount of C-390 Millennium     aircraft to be upgraded more easily   distributed loads, or heavy vehicles
        parts to be locally manufactured by   and cater for future obsolescence.   weighing up to 26 metric tons. The
        Korean partner companies and the    The aircraft features a modern      Hungarian Defence Forces have
        development of a local Maintenance   integrated open architecture avion-  opted to acquire their KC-390s in an
        Repair and Overhaul (MRO) provider.  ics system, and full fly-by-wire flight   optional configuration which fea-
                                            controls which all come together to   tures an Intensive Care Unit which
                                            reduce crew workload and provide
        Embraer is also eyeing an Indian Air                                    is an essential feature to perform
        Force (IAF) requirement for a new   enhanced situational awareness. An   humanitarian missions. This con-
        Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA) in   advanced mission software pro-     figuration could also be of interest
        the 18-30 tonne class. The require-  vides the crew seamless and total   to other potential customers of the
        ment could be for up to 80 aircraft,   control over the mission. The crew   type. The KC-390 is configured
        though Indian procurement proce-    can exploit the electro-optical infra-  with air-to-air refueling equipment
        dures are notoriously longwinded    red surveillance sensor, the mission   and has already proven its aerial
        and opaque. The jet powered         tactical radar, secure voice and data   refueling capacity both as a tanker
        C-390 aircraft features a rugged    communications, and self-protec-    and as a receiver, receiving fuel
        design that allows it to operate    tion systems. Precise navigation is   from another KC-390 using pods
        from semi-prepared and damaged      achieved through redundant inertial   installed under the wings.
        runways, as well as harsh environ-  GPS and military FMS.
        ments, varying from the hot and
        humid Amazon forest to the freezing   The C-390 is powered by two       The KC-390 can be quickly config-
        Antarctic continent, as well as hot                                     ured for aerial refueling as both a
        and sandy desert conditions. The    IAE V2500-E5 two-shaft turbofan     tanker and a receiver aircraft with
                                            engines and the aircraft has a fast
        C-390 can also be quickly reconfig-                                     the capability to undertake day and
        ured without specialist tools.      climb rate and cruise speed in      night aerial refueling. This is made
                                            excess of 870 kmph. When com-       easier with observer windows and
        This February, Embraer Defence      bined with its cargo capacity and   night vision cameras. The C-390
        & Security entered into a           speed, according to Embraer, the    can be equipped with advanced
        Memorandum of Understanding         C-390 can generate significantly    Cobham 912E Series refueling
        (MoU) with the Indian firm Mahindra   more mobility and productivity as   pods that are not only lightweight
        with the objective of jointly fulfill-  compared to turboprop aircraft in   and efficient but allow each pod
        ing the acquisition of the C-390    the same category. The aircraft     to provide a fuel transfer of up to
        Millennium multi-mission aircraft   can provide faster response times,   400 US gallons per minute. If there
        by the IAF in its upcoming procure-  increased mission efficiency and   is a requirement for the aircraft to
        ment project. The IAF is already an   allow air forces to perform the same  expand its fuel offload capacity or
        existing operator of Embraer air-   number of missions using fewer      range performance, then this is
        craft, with the ERJ 145 regional jet   aircraft and fly more missions with   aided by the fitment of removable
        serving as the platform for the Netra  the same number of flight hours as   auxiliary fuel tanks in the cargo
        Airborne Early Warning & Control    compared to turboprop fleets.       compartment..

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