Page 17 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 17


           The Rafale Marine deal stresses the importance of

          the strategic relationship between India and France

                                                     By JAY MENON
        I   ndia is expected to finalise    Navy has sought specific            The Indian Navy’s sole operational

                                                                                aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya,
            the contract agreement with
                                            enhancements to enable
            France to buy 26 Rafale M
        fighters for the Navy by the end    them to operate the fighters        currently operates Mig-29K fighters.
                                            from both the aircraft car-
        of the year. On July 14, 2023 the                                       India decision to opt for the Rafale
        Indian government had announced     riers----INS Vikrant and INS        Marine will highlight the contin-
        the selection of the Navy Rafale to   Vikramaditya,” an official of     ued lack of success of US fighter
        equip the Indian Navy with a lat-   India’s Ministry of Defence said.   aircraft manufacturers to become
        est-generation fighter.                                                 a part of India’s inventory, despite
                                                                                long-standing and robust efforts. It
        “Cost negotiations are              Of the 26 aircraft, the Indian Navy   will also signify an increasing share
        underway to acquire Rafale          is understood to be acquiring 22    of European manufacturers in the
        Marine, or Rafale M, and            single seater units, and another four  Indian military aerospace market,
        we are in the final stages          twin seaters, for training purpose.   opined Dr S. Samuel C. Rajiv,
                                                                                Associate Fellow at the Manohar
                                            “Deliveries are expected to start
        of agreeing on the base             three years after the signing of the   Parrikar Institute for Defence
        price of the aircraft. The          final contract,” the official noted.   Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                               MAY - JULY 2024  | 17
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