Page 6 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 6

vehicle (IPMV) and the paramilitary
                                                                                version, have been inducted into
                                                                                the Indian Army and paramilitary
                                                                                India will be exporting this WhAP
                                                                                to the Moroccan defence forces,
                                                                                and Indian firm Tata will build 150 of
                                                                                these WhAPs for export purpose.

                                                                                The combination of firepower,
                                                                                mobility, and protection makes
                                                                                armored vehicles a critical asset for
                                                                                modern military operations. Taking
                                                                                this into account, in March 2021
                                                                                India had signed a USD144.79 mil-
                                                                                lion contract with Mahindra Defense
                                                                                Systems Ltd (MDSL) to equip the
        Systems, is an 8-wheeled armored    armored platform (WhAP). The new    Indian Army with 1,300 light special-
        vehicle that transports infantry into   combat vehicle is built as per the   ist vehicles.
        combat. The Stryker will provide    requirements of Indian Army and is
        soldiers with a vehicle that will dom-  proposed to be fielded by the troops  LTV is an advanced tactical vehicle
        inate the battlefields of tomorrow.  for combat situations. The vehicle   that can carry medium machine
                                            structure is built using a steel armor   guns, automatic grenade launchers,
        “The Stryker A1 features a          plate with an add‐on light weight   and anti-tank guided missiles. It
        450-horsepower engine, 60,000-      composite armor for providing all   will be approved for use by various
        pound suspension, 910-amp           round protection to the vehicle.    fighting units.
        alternator and in-vehicle digi-
        tal network while continuing to     According to DRDO, the design       India also, after extensive trials of
        provide unprecedented soldier       philosophy of this platform aligns   various models of infantry combat
        survivability,” said Gordon Stein,   with global trends and focuses on   vehicles produced by the U.K, the
        vice president of U.S. operations at   modularity, scalability, and recon-  U.S.A., France, Germany, Russia,
        General Dynamics Land Systems.      figurability to adapt the platform for   selected BMP-II, an infantry combat
                                            various roles.                      vehicle which is also known as APC
        India has made significant strides                                      ‘Sarath’.
        in the development and produc-      The WhAP can easily navigate        India thus has joined an elite club
        tion of armored vehicles. The       through muddy or slushy terrain and   of nations possessing sophisti-
        country’s Defence Research and      has the capability to withstand mine   cated amphibious infantry combat
        Development Organisation or         blasts. Variants of the WhAP, includ-  vehicles.
        DRDO, has developed a wheeled       ing the infantry protected mobility

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