Page 8 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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vehicles, core to the Korean army’s manufactured by PT Pindad, FNSS, in collaboration with PT
maneuver warfare system, for including medium tanks and tacti- Pindad, developed a medium tank
the first time. Early this year, the cal transport vehicles for defensive for the Indonesian Army.
subsidiary of Korean auto giant operations and peacekeeping
Hyundai Motor Co., said Fábrica missions. Manufacturing activities for the
de Armas y Municiones del Ejército Kaplan APC program are expected
(FAME SAC) has picked the STX “We hope that the handover of to begin in 2025, with the first
Corp.-Hyundai Rotem consortium defense and security equipment vehicle being produced at FNSS
as a preferred bidder for a deal to can revive trust in the domes- facilities in Turkey and the second
supply wheeled armored vehicles to tic defense industry,” stated PT by PT Pindad in Indonesia. The
the Peruvian Army. Under the deal, Pindad Director Abraham Mose. vehicles, which are planned to be
the Korean company will export delivered by the end of 2026, will
an initial batch of 30 of its K808 One of the key assets handed over be designed according to end-user
wheeled armored vehicles, worth is the PT Pindad Pandur II 8×8, an requirements. Qualification tests
about US$60 million, to Peru and armored personnel carrier designed will be carried out by FNSS and PT
then up to 120 units later. for troop transport and fire support. Pindad in Turkey and Indonesia.
The K808 is an eight-wheeled infan- Meanwhile, Turkish AFV manufac-
try transport vehicle that replaces turer FNSS and PT Pindad have As the latest member of FNSS’
the K511A1, also known as the signed a development and produc- Kaplan tracked AFV family, the
Army Truck, used by the Korean tion agreement to produce a Kaplan Kaplan APC will incorporate all
Army. armored personnel carrier (APC) for enhancements made during the
development of the Kaplan MT.
the Indonesian Army. The APC’s design architecture will
Indonesian Fire Power FNSS showcased the conceptual feature “advanced ballistic protec-
Emerging nations are increasing design model of the Kaplan APC for tion, best-in-class mine protection
their focus on advanced weaponry the first time at the Saha Expo, held systems, and formidable firepower,
systems, implementing vehicles to in Istanbul in October. ensuring superior survivability in
protect against various threats, and combat scenarios”, according to
fueling market growth. The agreement to meet the FNSS.
Indonesian Army’s requirement for
For instance, in October this year, a 30-ton-class tracked APC, comes The rise in asymmetric warfare
Indonesia’s army took delivery after the successful Kaplan MT is likely to lead to an increase
of over 560 armored vehicles (Harimau) program, under which in demand for armored vehicles
across the globe, analysts say.
Also the adoption of electric tech-
© US ArmySgt. Nicholas LaRocco
nology for armored vehicles is likely
to propel the market growth.
The hybrid electric drive systems
enable better silent mobility while
providing possible military advan-
tages by decreasing noise and
boosting stealth capability. Hybrid
technology will eventually decrease
the armed forces’ dependency
on fossil fuels and bring many
technological and operational
improvement, according to Fortune
Business Insights, which track
developments and provide market
research data.
The global armored vehicle market
size was valued at US$22.28 billion
in 2023 and is projected to grow
from US$23.73 billion in 2024 to
US$37.85 billion by 2032..