Page 7 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 7

Infantry combat vehicle is a type
        of armored fighting vehicle used to
        carry Infantry into battle and provide
        direct fire support.
        Major factors determining a ICV’s
        effectiveness are crew carrying
        capacity, mobility, fire power and

        BMP-II is fully tracked, highly
        mobile amphibian ICV with 30mm
        fully stabilized automatic cannon,
        7.62 mm PKT Machine Gun and
        4 kms range anti-tank wire guided
        ‘Konkurs’ missile housing 7 troopers
        and 3 crews. Its crew is protected
        from NBC attacks.

        It is also equipped with night vision
        device and smoke grenade launch-
        ers system.
                                            to meet the evolving demands of     Hanwha said it  showcased a wide
        The Ordnance Factory Medak          modern warfare.                     range of its artillery and combat
        (OFMK) is manufacturing the                                             vehicles during the live-fire exer-
        BMP-2/SARATH. Till date OFMK        “South Korea provides a thorough    cise. The artillery demonstration
        has produced and issued 2372        follow-on logistics support for the   saw 18 K9A1 155/52mm caliber
                                            weapons supplied to its partners.
        BMP Vehicles.                                                           self-propelled howitzers (SPH)
                                            As the Malaysian Army is moving     firing more than 90 rounds into
                                            towards upgrading its K200 IFV      a target area. Other demonstra-
        Looking for Upgrade                 which have been in service for      tions included the company’s K21
                                            more than 30 years, I hope that
        The surge in violence, as well as   the upgrade can be performed in     amphibious tracked infantry fighting
        cross-border operations between     partnership between Malaysian       vehicle, as well as the K30 Biho
        Asian countries and other regions,   and Korean defence industries so   tracked and K30W Chunho wheeled
        has prompted some nations to        that the vehicles can be operated   self-propelled anti-aircraft systems.
        upgrade their military systems.     stably for a longer period,” he was   Hanwha Aerospace also noted that
                                            quoted by the media.                it had showcased new systems that
        Recently, Malaysia is looking at
        upgrading its fleet of K200 IFVs.   Malaysia had bought over 100        were optimized for Saudi Arabia’s
                                                                                requirements, including a 155mm
        And it’s reported that South Korea   K-200 KIFV from South Korea since
        has expressed keen interest in col-  the 1990s.                         wheeled SPH with an automated
                                                                                unmanned turret, laser-based air
        laborating with Malaysia to upgrade
        the fleet.                                                              defence system, as well as its
                                                                                Tigon wheeled armored combat
        Minister of South Korea’s           Making a Mark                       vehicle and wheeled short-range air
        Defence Acquisition Programme       Besides South East Asia, South      defence system.
        Administration, Major General (Rtd)   Korea is also looking at export   “We had a great opportunity to
        Seok Jong Gun was quoted by local   opportunities for various armored   show our advanced defence tech-
        media that the potential partnership   vehicles in the Middle East and   nologies and products to the MNG
        between the two nations’ defence    North African countries.            delegation,” said Vice President
        industries holds promise for ensur-                                     Oh Kyea-hwan, Head of Hanwha
        ing the longevity and reliability of   In November, South Korean        Aerospace Middle East & Africa.
        the K200 IFV.                       defence prime Hanwha Aerospace
                                            said it had demonstrated its latest
        The Malaysian Army’s decision to    weapons systems to a high-level     Another South Korean defense
        upgrade its K200 IFV comes at a     delegation from Saudi Arabia’s      equipment and locomotive maker,
        critical juncture, with the fleet requir-  Ministry of National Guard (MNG).   Hyundai Rotem Co,  is all set
        ing comprehensive enhancements                                          to export its wheeled armored
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                    NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2024  | 7
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