Page 3 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 1 - Online Magazine
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Loitering Lethality,   ...Cont’d from page 1  KF-21 보라매, 2021년

 by Land and Sea  BORAMAE                      ADEX에서 기대감 증폭

          IN FOCUS AT

          ADEX 2021

                                               한국항공산업이 2021년 ADEX에서 많은                한국과 인도네시아의 공동 프로젝트(한국
                                               기대를 모았던 KF-X 전투기의 업데이트                 지분 80%, 인도네시아 지분 20%)로 개
                                               프로토타입을 선보일 것으로 예상된다.                   발하는 트윈 엔진 KF-21은 F-35보다 저
        aging fleet of F-4E Phantoms and F-5E   2019년 ADEX에서는 실물 모형과 조종               렴한 옵션을 찾는 전 세계 공군의 관심을
        Tigers.  The  prototype  is  expected  to   석을 공개했고, 몇 개월 전에는 프로토타            받을 것으로 보인다.
        undergo  ground  testing  this  year;  the
        maiden flight is scheduled for July next   입과 공식 명칭을 발표한 바 있다.
        year.                                                                         KF-21의 개발 절차는 2026년에 완료된
                                               KF-21 보라매(어린 매)는 FA-50 이후 한            다. 한국항공산업이 제작한 프로토타입 6
        A  joint  project  between  South  Korea  국의 두 번째 전투기 개발 프로그램으로,              기가 향후 4년 동안 2,200회 임무를 완
        and Indonesia in which Seoul holds 80   노후화되고 있는 F-4E 팬텀과 F-SE 타이             료한 후에  KF-21 블록의 대량 생산이 시
        per cent of shares and Indonesia 20 per   거를 대체할 항공기를 개발하기 위한 것이              작된다. 이번 계약으로 인도네시아는 제
        cent, the twin-engine KF-21 is expected to                                    트기 48기를 인수하고 전투기 기술 이전
        garner significant interest from air forces   다. 프로토타입 지상 테스트는 2021년, 첫
        around the world that are looking for a   비행은 2022년 7월에 실시한다.                 을 받는다.
        less expensive option to the F-35. The
        4.5 generation fighter aircraft is stealth-  fulfilling its financial commitment to the  technologies. The development of the jet
        ier than other 4th-generation fighters but  project but is keen on continuing to be  also brings into focus the growth of South
        does not carry weapons in internal bays  a  partner.  As  part  of  the  contact,  the  Korea’s domestic industry. About 65 per-
        like the F-35 and other 5th-generation  country will acquire up to 48 jets and  cent of the jet’s components, including
        fighters. The jet is designed to fly higher  also benefit from the transfer of fighter jet  are produced by local companies.
        and faster than the F-35 and will also be
        capable of carrying  a robust weapons
 IAI’s Loitering Munitions Family.  Meet us at   load that includes a range of air-to-air and
        air-to-surface missiles.
 Search Like a UAS. Strike Like a Missile.  ADEX 2021  The supersonic fighter jet will undergo
 Booth #B61  ground testing this year before its sched-

 • Backed by over 30 years of combat experience  uled maiden flight in July next year. The
 • Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) integral assault capability for the modern warfighter   development process is expected to be
 • Man-in-the-Loop, intuitive target acquisition and strike   completed by 2026. Mass production of
 • Minimum collateral damage    the KF-21 Block I will commence after
 • Abort capability  the six prototypes built by KAI complete
 • Exceptional versatility  2,200 sorties over the next four years.
        The ROKAF intends to induct 40 KF-21 •  units by 2028 and another 80 units by
        2032. Indonesia is currently behind on

        SEOUL ADEX - INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE & DEFENSE EXHIBITION 2021                                    OCTOBER 19, 2021 | 3
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