Page 4 - Seoul ADEX 2021 Day 1 - Online Magazine
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be equipped with the most modern mis-
sion systems, including autopilot with
SAR modes, data transmission system,
tactical navigation system and protec-
tion and defence systems (passive and
active), along with a 12.7 mm machine
gun. Additional fitments include a tac-
tical radio, reconnaissance radar, an
observation head (FLIR) and an S-mode
transponder. The AW101 will perform a
range of missions for the Polish Navy
including Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
and Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR)
in the Baltic Sea and for NATO operations.
To meet its CSAR requirements, Polish
Navy AW101s will feature searchlight and
arrayed lights and the helicopters will
be optimized with medical and rescue
equipment, including two winches and a
system for carrying loads on the external
suspension. In addition, the AW101 fleet
will be equipped with an emergency float
system, life rafts, and a cold climate sur-
vival kit.
The AW101 is available in four base plat-
LEONARDO’S AW101 forms; Utility, Maritime, SAR and CSAR.
The AW101 can rescue more than 20
BRINGS MULTIMISSION survivors in a single mission whilst simul-
taneously delivering specialised trauma
CAPABILITY TO THE FORE treatment with a dedicated medical team,
operating with a crew of 4-6 in the SAR
Leonardo remains bullish on the market Poland joined the list of AW101 cus- role. Its large cabin and excellent perfor-
mance make the helicopter well suited to
prospects for its 16 tonne AW101 heli- tomers in April 2019, when the Polish humanitarian relief missions where it can
copter, which remains one of the most Ministry of National Defence inked a evacuate more than 50 people in one lift.
advanced, versatile and capable multi-role contract with Leonardo worth 380 mil- The 16 tonne AW101’s design is focussed
helicopters available today. The AW101 lion EUR for supply of supply four AW101s on safety and survivability and features
continues to attract interest from potential and a comprehensive integrated logis- extensive redundancy in structures, avi-
operators worldwide due to the breadth tics and training package. PZL-Świdnik, onics and critical systems, combined with
of its capabilties and long-range and Leonardo’s fully owned Polish company is its three engine configuration and proven
endurance . Over the years, Leonardo has the prime contractor for the deal and will 30 minute run-dry transmission capability,
modified and updated the AW101 to meet also discharge offset obligations worth which ensures the highest standards of
requirements from its military customers 90 million EUR. Leonardo completed the safety.
related to Personnel Recovery, Special maiden flight of the Polish Navy’s first
Operations, troop and tactical transport, AW101 (ZR285) in July at Yeovil, marking The AW101 is equipped with three civil
and MedEvac (Medical Evacuation)/ the start of what will amount to a total of certified (FAA Type Certificate E8NE)
CasEvac (Casualty Evacuation) missions, approximately 700 hours of flight test- General Electric CT7-8E engines, each
and the government market, especially in ing, across the four airframes to develop controlled by dual channel FADEC units.
the configuration dedicated to the trans- and validate the broad range of mission Leonardo quotes a 10,000 hr fatigue
portation of Heads of State. The AW101’s and customer specific changes from the life for the fully marinized airframe. In
outstanding mission flexibility has also standard AW101 demanded by the Polish its standard configuration, the three
found it operators amongst some of the Navy. engine AW101 boasts of a typical range
most important NATO nations, such as of 750 nm (over 1,300 km), which can be
Italy, the UK, Canada, Denmark, Norway, The AW101s will be operated by the increased to 900 nm, when the helicopter
and Portugal. Polish Naval Aviation Brigade and will is configured with auxiliary fuel tanks.