Page 11 - DIMDEX 2022 Day 3 - Online Magazine
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                                                                                                                            Day 3

                                                                                      are the constriction of four MiLGEM
                                                                                      Ada Class Corvettes, and the Test and
                                                                                      Training Ship TCG UFUK (A-591). In the
                                                                                      latter project, STM was the main contrac-
                                                                                      tor. The company also was part of the
                                                                                      team that worked on the first Logistics
                                                                                      Support Ship that was commissioned by
                                                                                      the Turkish Naval Forces in December
                                                                                      last year. Besides working to deliver a
        STM HIGHLIGHTS                                                                second ship as part of the project in 2024,
                                                                                      STM is also the main design contractor
        RANGE OF                                                                      in the Turkish Type Assault Boat Project.
                                                                                      Its new gunboat design, STM-MPAC, is
                                                                                      built to perform surface and air defense
        PRODUCTS,                                                                     warfare as well as reconnaissance/patrol
                                                                                      missions at high speeds.
        PARTNERSHIPS                                                                  A major player in submarine modern-

                                                                                      ization and construction projects, the
                                                                                      company’s “STM 500”  small-tonnage
        Eager to further expand its growing foot-  KARGU and TOGAN are some of the pro-  submarine is reportedly much in demand,
        print in the Middle East, Turkish company  grams that visitors can know more about  with the company currently in discussions
        STM Defense Technologies Engineering  at the company stand.                   with multiple navies. As part of a contract
        and Trade Inc (STM) is promoting its  According to company officials, the com-  that also involves technology trans-
        range of capabilities at the ongoing show.  pany has its presence in more than 20  fer, STM started work on the Corvette
        The company is highlighting its military  countries, from South America to the  Construction project for the Ukrainian
        naval platforms, tactical mini-UAV sys-  Far East. It produces surface and sub-  Navy in 2021. Pakistan’s Sea Supply
        tems and cyber security capabilities at  marine platforms for Turkey and has  Ship PNS Moawin and the modernization
        the event. The recently produced Marine  also exported products to many friendly  of Pakistan’s Agosta 90B Khalid Class
        Supply Tanker for Pakistan, Multi-Purpose  countries.  Among the projects that it has  Submarines are some of the other proj-
        Assault Boat STM-MPAC, ALPAGU,  carried out for the Turkish Naval Forces  ects that involve international customers.

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