Page 3 - DSA 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
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FNSS SHOWCASES PARS important element of the Malaysian Army
Mechanized Infantry and Armored Units
with 12 different configurations. Apart
4X4 AND PARS III 6X6 from technology transfer arrangements,
the contact also includes logistics sup-
ARMORED VEHICLES port for the Malaysian army.
In Indonesia, FNSS has developed a new
generation of a medium tank, the Kaplan
MT in collaboration with the Indonesian
company PT Pindad. The project was
initiated with a G2G agreement between
Presidency of Defence Industries of
Türkiye (SSB) and Ministry of Defence of
Indonesia. In 2015, a corporation agree-
ment was signed between DG Defence
Potential of Indonesia and SSB in order
to develop 2 prototype vehicles. After the
prototype development studies, FNSS
successfully completed the endurance
and firing tests carried out in Indonesia.
At the end of 2019, the company signed
a joint production contract for a total of
18 KAPLAN MT vehicles and completed
the design perfection studies in 2020.
The production technical support and
Turkish company FNSS, which has a company officials, FNSS, which has mili- supply parts provided to PT Pindad for
sizable presence in the Asian region, is tary projects in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the vehicles to be produced in Indonesia
showcasing its entire range of combat the Philippines, is optimistic about further were completed in 2021. These parts and
armored vehicles as well as new capa- improving its market reach in the region. subsystems were exported to Indonesia
bilities at DSA. The company made its first export to the as tool kits and delivered to PT Pindad.
While the PARS 4x4 Anti-Tank Vehicle region in 2000 with the ACV project. The Earlier this year, FNSS successfully com-
with ARC-T Remote Controlled Anti-Tank AV-8 8x8 project, which is a configuration pleted its project activities and made
Turret will be displayed at the company’s of PARS 8x8 vehicles that FNSS produces the vehicles produced in Türkey ready
stand, PARS III 6x6 with 12.7 mm SANCAK with technology transfer, with its part- for user inspection. The remaining vehi-
Remote Controlled Turret will be show- ner in Malaysia – DRB-HICOM Defense cles will be produced in Indonesia by PT
cased at the Deftech stand. According to Technologies (Deftech) - constitute an Pindad with technology transfer.
ons diagnostics with intelligent automatic
coaching and collective training.
Combining 3D marksmanship with col-
lective and judgmental training, the FATS
100MIL system enables trainees to train
using real weapons, thanks to the com-
pany’s patented wireless BlueFire direct
and indirect weapons. The system can
be used for concurrent exercises by up
to 15 trainees.
“The technologies we’re highlighting at
DSA definitively show that no matter what
your training need is, InVeris has the solu-
INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS tion for you,” said InVeris Chief Executive
Officer Al Weggeman. “InVeris can help
HIGHLIGHT VIRTUAL TRAINING solve your greatest training challenges,
whether you need best-in-class live-fire
AND LIVE-FIRE SYSTEMS range equipment, or the world’s most
trusted and fielded simulation systems.”
InVeris is also showcasing its indus-
InVeris Training Solutions, which was The company is demonstrating the try-leading shooting range equipment,
among the exhibitors at DIMDEX 2022, FATS 100MIL virtual training system at including a Multi-Function Stationary
is at the ongong DSA, displaying a wide the evetn. The FATS 100MIL is a major Infantry Target (MF-SIT) with a LOMAH
range of live-fire and virtual training capa- expansion in weapons training capability (location of miss and hit) and QuikTurn
bilities. with 3D marksmanship, enhanced weap- 360 turning target.