Page 4 - DSA 2022 Day 1 - Online Magazine
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ROKETSAN TO integrated with Armed Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (AUAV). While MAM-L has been
used in operations by the TAF since
2016, MAM-C was introduced in 2018.
The smart munitions, which enhance the
SOON START SERIAL efficiency of fixed wing air platforms and
PRODUCTION OF armed UAVs, are also used by friendly and
allied nations.
MAM-T Developed nationally and indigenously,
and optimised in terms of weight/effi-
ciency, the new MAM-T can be used
Roketsan’s Smart Micro Munition prod- munitions MAM-C, MAM-L and, for the against armoured or unarmoured vehi-
uct family has gotten bigger with the first time, MAM-T, successfully destroying cles, buildings and surface targets. Along
introduction of MAM-T, which has been the targets. with the midcourse guidance capabilities,
developed to address a need for greater the ammunition provides high precision
warhead efficiency and longer range. The With its fixed wing structure and improved against moving and stationary targets
company has completed preparations for warhead, MAM-T provides the user with in BLOCK-1 configuration, has also a
serial production. MAM-T is scheduled high strike precision and efficiency semi-active laser seeker. Designed to
for inclusion in the Turkish Armed Forces against fixed and mobile targets at longer be compatible with different platforms,
inventory in the next few months. ranges. The munition was developed for MAM-T has a 30+ km range capability
unmanned aerial vehicles and light attack from armed UAVs, 60 kilometres from
According to company officials, MAM-T aircraft for use in critical air and ground light attack aircraft and 80 kilometres
was successfully test fired in April last year missions. Its high blast fragmentation from fighter aircraft.
April from a Bayraktar AKINCI Unmanned warhead has been developed in accor-
Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV). During the dance with UAV operational concepts. MAM-L is 1 meter long, has a diameter
test, the AKINCI UCAV deployed smart MAM-C, MAM-L and MAM-T can be of 169 mm and weighs 22kg. Having a
range of 15 km and equipped with a laser
seeker, its maximum altitude is 25,000
feet. MAM-T, the largest of the small
munition family, has a diameter of 230
mm, is 1.4 meter long, weighs 95 kg and
has a range of more than 30 km. MAM-C
has a length of 970 mm, a diameter of 70
mm, and weights 6,.5 kg. The munition has
a range of 8 km.
Among the other products and capabili-
ties that the Turkish missile manufacturer
is showcasing at DIMDEX 22 is the KHAN
artillery missile system. Designed and
produced by the company, KHAN is a
ground-to-ground missile that is able to
provide mass fire power on high payoff
targets within the area of influence of
the army. The missile, which entered the
inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces
(TAF) in 2014, has made a name for itself
in military circles for its range, firing pre-
cision and effectiveness. According to
company officials, the missile can provide
sustained and effective firepower and is
a 24/7 “ready to fire” system that can be
used in any weather or on any terrain.
Roketsan, which has been in the forefront
of the significant progress made by the
Turkish defence industry in recent years,
has unveiled a number of eye-catching
products over the last year. They include
the SUNGUR Weapon System, Turkey’s
first heavy-class torpedo AKYA, 324 mm
ORKA Torpedo, and Close-in Air Defence