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to produce at least some critical defence  Abdullah last  December.  On  defence  is committed to continuing its invest-
        equipment locally and has already entered  industry cooperation, Cavusoglu said  ments and collaboration in Malaysia for
        into deals with Turkey for the supply of  Turkish companies are “closely interested  the development of new generation tech-
        the Pars AV-8 armoured vehicles.       in defence industry tenders for Malaysia.”  nologies, particularly in the field of the
                                               The Turkish Aerospace (TA) recently  defence and aviation industry.
        In the defence sector, Turkey is one of  opened a new engineering and design
        Malaysia’s main source of defence pro-  office in Malaysia.                   Prof. Kotil  said that Turkey will jointly man-
        curement, namely armoured vehicles  The  office  at  the  Cyberview  Futurise  ufacture its indigenous Hurjet advanced
        and military communications. During the  campus in the western Selangor state  trainer with Malaysia, should a tender pro-
        visit by President Erdoğan to Malaysia in  is the company’s first engineering and  cess be successful. Malaysia is expected
        December 2019, a number of agreements  design  office  in  Southeast  Asia.  The  to finalise a tender for buying 18 jets to
        between firms in the defence sector were  Turkish Aerospace said it is committed  fulfil  its  Lead  In  Trainer-Light  Combat
        signed. FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş, a  to continue its investments and collabo-  Aircraft, or FLIR-LCA, requirement. “The
        Turkish defence manufacturer, had signed  ration in Malaysia for the development of  joint production offer will see 15 Hurjets
        a master agreement with its Malaysian  new generation technologies, particularly  being built in Malaysia, with three to be
        partner Deftech for the development and  in the field of defence industry and avi-  built in Turkey,” Prof. Kotil said.  According
        production of 257 each Malaysian AV8  ation. Turkish and Malaysian engineers  to him, joint production will build Malaysian
        (8x8) armoured wheeled vehicles in 12  will carry out joint studies in a number  capacity to produce aircraft of the type,
        configurations. The vehicle is based on  of areas such as unmanned aerial vehi-  as TAI saw Malaysia as “one of the best
        PARS 8x8.                              cles, jet trainers, helicopter projects, and  countries to collaborate with strategically
                                               modernisation programs for the global  in Asia-Pacific.”
        Under the US$559 Million contract  aviation ecosystem.
        awarded in February 2011, in cooperation                                      TA plans to train 12 Malaysian engineers
        with DRB-HICoM DEFTECH of Malaysia  Malaysia’s International Trade and  at its plant in Ankara, as it aims to help
        FNSS is designing, developing and pro-  Industry Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali said  Malaysia develop its own fighter jet design
        ducing a total of 257 armoured personnel  the move is an opportunity for the two  and manufacturing capability.  Prof. Kotil
        carriers to be based on PARS-II 8x8 in  countries to combine their joint exper-  said Malaysia should embark on their own
        12 different configurations including; the  tise to secure workflow for the benefit  programme to attain self-rliance.  It is with
        infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), armoured  of the Turkish and Malaysian aerospace  great  expectation  that  the  Malaysian
        fighting  vehicle  (AFV),  the  armoured  industry. “Turkey has one of the fastest  government could wisely strategise a
        personnel carrier (APC), tank destroyer  developing defence and aerospace sec-  remodelling and reorganisation of the
        (AFV-ATGW), command vehicles (ACV),  tors in the world and has achieved many  defence industry to make it more relevant
        signals (AVS), reconnaissance vehicle as  firsts for the Muslim world,” Azmin Ali  to the future defence and security needs
        well as recovery vehicle. While the orig-  stated. Arham Abdul Rahman, the CEO  of the country.  Envisioning a Malaysian
        inal PARS 8x8 was 24-25 ton vehicle,  of the Malaysian Investment Development  defence aircraft environment akin to the
        the AV-8 IFV-25 configuration weighs 28  Authority, said that TAI’s “footprint” in  US Lockheed-Martin, 50 years down the
        tons and its equipment differs consider-  Malaysia will enhance the country’s aero-  line, Prof. Kotil said the country has all the
        ably from that of PARS. Deliveries have  space ecosystem.                     potential to realise the vision, provided
        been continuing to Malaysian military,                                        with full commitment from policymakers.
        and the Malaysian Defence Ministry is  “The competitive cost of doing business  The effort of the Defence White Paper by
        said to be considering placing an order  in Malaysia will undoubtedly be beneficial  the Malaysian government may just be
        for the second and third batches of AV-8  for both parties to raise the nation’s local  the needed impetus to address the many
        vehicles.                              expertise as well as certification status,”  issues faced by the Malaysian defence
                                               Rahman said. Turkish Aerospace has  industry for its future development.
        Turkey has been  assisting Malaysia,  also invited Malaysia to join the country’s
        which is strategic partner, to further  indigenous  fighter  program,  the  TF-X,
        improve the defence industry.          following Ankara’s suspension from the
        “We are resolved to improving our rela-  U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter pro-
        tions on every front when it comes to  gram. The company had already signed
        especially  using  our  potential  well  in  a memorandum of understanding with
        the upcoming period,” Turkish Foreign  the Asian nation for the co-production
        Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told a joint  of TF-X composites.
        press conference in Ankara with his vis-  Prof. Temel Kotil, CEO of Turkish
        iting Malaysian counterpart Saifuddin  Aerospace Industries, said his company

        DSA - DEFENCE SERVICES ASIA EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE 2022                                           MARCH 28, 2022 | 9
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