Page 3 - DSA 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 3

ROKETSAN’S KHAN                                                               from the KHAN Weapon System and the

                                                                                      Multi-Barrel  Rocket  Launcher  (MBRL)
        OFFERS LONG-                                                                  produced by Roketsan. In line with user
                                                                                      requirements, Roketsan can integrate the
                                                                                      missile into the other Tactical Wheeled
        RANGE FIREPOWER                                                               Vehicle platforms with integration-com-
                                                                                      patible interfaces. Each missile weighs
                                                                                      2.5 tonne and has a range of 80-280 km.
                                                                                      Global Navigation Satellite Systems
                                                                                      (GNSS) aided Inertial Navigation System
                                                                                      (INS) guidance and aerodynamic control.
                                                                                      The missile has a claimed accuracy of
                                                                                      ≤10 m and is equipped with point deto-
                                                                                      nating and proximity fuzes along with a
                                                                                      High Explosive (HE) warhead. Company
                                                                                      officials say that missile systems such as
                                                                                      KHAN our reassuring for our allies and
                                                                                      spreads fear among our enemies. The
                                                                                      missile can be deployed in any weather or
                                                                                      on any terrain and used to engage targets
                                                                                      with high accuracy such as artillery and
                                                                                      air defence systems, radar sites, assem-
                                                                                      bly areas, logistic facilities, C3 facilities,
                                                                                      and other high priority targets.

        Roketsan is showcasing a wide range  sustained and effective firepower against
        of missile systems at the ongoing show,  high priority targets, with outstanding
        including the KHAN long-range precision  range, firing precision and effectiveness.
        strike missile, which has been in service  The 610 mm-diameter KHAN Missile is
        with the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)  capable of destroying targets at ranges
        since 2014. The KHAN missile can provide  of up to 280 km and can be launched

        FNSS is showcasing the PARS 4x4        FNSS AT THE SHOW
        Anti-Tank Vehicle with ARC-T Remote
        Controlled Anti-Tank Turret and PARS
        III 6x6 with 12.7 mm SANCAK Remote
        Controlled Turret at the show.

        FNSS, which carries out important
        projects in Malaysia, Indonesia and the
        Philippines, made its first export to the
        region in 2000 with the ACV project.

        The AV-8 8x8 project, which is a config-
        uration of PARS 8x8 vehicles that FNSS
        produces with technology transfer, with
        its partner  in Malaysia, DRB-HICOM  Malaysian  Army  Mechanized  Infantry    exhibited at the FNSS stand, the PARS III
        Defense Technologies (Deftech) con-    and Armored Units with 12 different con-  6x6 vehicle is showcased  at the Deftech
        stitute an important element of the  figurations. While the PARS 4x4 is being   stand.

        DSA - DEFENCE SERVICES ASIA EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE 2022                                           MARCH 29, 2022 | 3
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