Page 6 - DSA 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 6

ASELSAN READY TO                                                              technology company with nearly 50 years
                                                                                      of experience ASELSAN analyses and
        PROTECT AND SERVE THE                                                         evaluates different threat scenarios aris-
                                                                                      ing all around the world. With international
                                                                                      sales to 78 countries ASELSAN provides
        ASIA & PACIFIC REGION                                                         cost-effective high-end solutions to fight
                                                                                      against these symmetric and asymmet-
                                                                                      ric threats. The battle-proven solutions
                                                                                      are continuously being tested by national
                                                                                      and international clients in real-battle
                                                                                      conditions rather than artificial test envi-
                                                                                      ronments. With these permanent real
                                                                                      battle environment feedbacks ASELSAN
                                                                                      improves its systems and products in the
                                                                                      main value proposition. Better serving the
                                                                                      requirements  of  its  clients,  ASELSAN
                                                                                      utmost aim is to contribute in a sustain-
                                                                                      able manner safety and security of the
                                                                                      Asia & Pacific region.
                                                                                         ASELSAN already successfully com-
                                                                                      pleted various projects almost all over
                                                                                      the region, concentrated on tactical
                                                                                      communication systems, electro-optical
                                                                                      solutions, weapon systems, professional
                                                                                      communication systems, radar and elec-
                                                                                      tronic warfare solutions and underwater
                                                                                      security solutions aiming to secure the
                                                                                      borders of Asia & Pacific countries.

        Although the facts that pose threat to  growing in a sustainable and inspiring  Furthermore, developing engagements
        countries around the world are changing  fashion. For this reason, in parallel with  with Asia & Pacific Countries on a broad
        and diversing, the problems continue to  its expanded international sales activi-  range of issues by developing innova-
        exist in the area of security. Asia & Pacific,  ties in the region for more than 30 years,  tive projects, creating technological
        likewise, is one of the regions that han-  ASELSAN’s main aim is to develop and  infrastructure, investing on military and
        dles those diverse security issues over  improve the relations with Asia & Pacific  commercial industries  and providing
        the decades. This combination of chal-  and strengthen its local presence in the  high technology products from land, air
        lenges will not only concern regional but  region as a trusted partner.       and naval systems. In line with its motto,
        also demand more attention from global   The main perspective towards Asia &  “Technology serving People and Planet”,
        scale. The global technology company,  Pacific is to be the strategic partner by  ASELSAN will continue seeking for the
        ASELSAN has a culture that aims new  creating technical solution packages in  opportunities of developing its presence
        advanced solutions to its clients all around  line with the instructions of the end-us-  in region through cooperation and strate-
        the World. By investing into highly diver-  ers to present tailor-made solutions  gic alliance with local public and private
        sified human asset, the company keeps  depending on the threat type. As a global  establishments.




        Rohde  &  Schwarz  is  showcasing  cut-  almost 23 years and the R&S Series5200
        ting-edge solutions across its innovative  ATC radio, part of the advanced ATC
        portfolio of high-performance tactical  communications suite CERTIUM, was
        and strategic intelligence and interop-  recently chosen to provide Kuala Lumpur  forces and authorities worldwide, inno-
        erable digital communications solutions  International  Airport  (KLIA)  with  clear  vative solutions for drone detection and
        for deployment on land, in the air and at  ground to air VHF communications. On  endpoint security and network encryption
        sea, plus electronic drone defense and  showcase by the privately-owned com-  systems, round up the presence of Rohde
        IP security. Rohde & Schwarz is a key  pany is its NAVICS integrated naval  & Schwarz at the show. Rohde & Schwarz
        partner for armed forces, law enforce-  communications system, secure software  made significant investment in setting up
        ment and governmental authorities, as  defined radios of the SOVERON product  local facilities and building up technology
        well as for internal and external security  family with a focus on high frequency (HF)  expertise in Malaysia. Over the years, the
        organizations and has been present in  beyond line of sight technology.       company has trained many local compe-
        Malaysia for decades. Its secure commu-                                       tent engineers to provide total turnkey
        nications solutions have been in service  A comprehensive portfolio of COMINT/  solutions  to  render  an  effective  after
        within the Malaysian Armed Forces for  EW and ELINT systems, used by armed  sales support to local customers.

        6 | MARCH 29, 2022                                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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