Page 4 - DSA 2022 Day 2 - Online Magazine
P. 4

SIMSOFT EAGER TO EXPAND                                                       Among the products that the company is

                                                                                      showcasing at the event is combat simu-
        GLOBAL FOOTPRINT                                                              lator system that uses virtual reality. “We
                                                                                      have developed the product based on the
                                                                                      need expressed by a customer in Turkey.
        Turkish company Simsoft is at the ongo-  cle simulators to the Bangladesh Army,   The system will be out in the market within
        ing show, demonstrating the full range  a bus simulator for Mecca transit to   a few months. Simulators are very import-
        of products such as remote-controlled  the UAE, and war games simulators for   ant for a sector like defence, because
        simulator, shooting and combat simulator,  Turkmenistan. Holland is also one of our   the risks involved in using complicated
        marine/bridge training simulator, bridge  customers. We have delivered simulation   equipment is very high.”
        crane training Simulator, and AR-VR solu-  systems to facilitate maintenance of F-16
        tions.                                 aircraft as well. Our customers are very
        The company, set up in 2006, has grown  satisfied by the quality of our products   “WE ARE TRYING TO PUT
        considerably and has been, in recent  and support our claim that they are very   SOMETHING NEW IN THE
        years, looking to expand its global foot-  close to life.”
        print. Operating under four main groups:                                      MARKET AS THE COMPETITION
        Simulators, Defense & Aerospace                                               IS VERY TOUGH,” the official
        Systems, Visual Systems, and Gaming &                                         added. “WE ARE WORKING
        Simulation, Simsoft has its head office                                       ONLY ON TECHNOLOGY
        in Ankara and  also has offices in other
        regions of Turkey as well as Florida.                                         AND ARE NOT A SYSTEMS
        According  to  a  company  official,  Asia                                    INTEGRATOR. HOWEVER,
        and the Middle East are two areas with                                        WE ARE WORKING WITH
        immense market potential.                                                     CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES
          “We have customers in different
        regions,” he said. “We have sold BTR-80                                       THAT MAKE SIMULATION
        armoured personnel carriers (APC) vehi-                                       CENTERS.”

                                                                                      “IT IS AN OPPORTUNE TIME
                                                                                      TO GET A CLOSER LOOK AT
                                                                                      ITALIAN DEFENCE SYSTEMS
                                                                                      UP CLOSE AND SEE WHY
                                                                                      ITALY HAS ALWAYS BEEN AT
                                                                                      THE FOREFRONT OF GLOBAL
                                                                                      DEFENCE,” an ITA spokesperson

                                                                                      Leonardo is promoting the ATR 72MP
                                                                                      patrol aircraft, which is equipped with the
                                                                                      company’s Airborne Tactical Observation
                                                                                      and Surveillance (ATOS) surveillance mis-
                                                                                      sion system. The company is offering the
        ITALIAN COMPANIES                                                             ATR 72MP to meet a Royal Malaysian Air
                                                                                      Force (RMAF) tender for two maritime
        SHOWCASE MIGHT OF                                                             patrol aircraft (MPA) that was issued in
                                                                                      August 2020.

        COUNTRY’S DEFENCE INDUSTRY   Elettronica designs, develops, and pro-
                                                                                      duces electronic defense equipment. Its
        Eager to leave an impression on a country  Elettronica,  Civitanavi Systems, which   offerings include phased array antennas,
        that is looking to invest significantly in the  designs,  develops,  and  manufactures   digital radio frequency memory, digital
        modernization of its military capabilities,  solutions  for inertial navigation, geo   receiver, self-protections suites, passive
        the cream of the Italian defence industry  reference and stabilisation systems,   data collection, and integrated systems.
        is present at the ongoing event, show-  Eurocontrol, maker of electromechanical   Feedback Italia specializes in designing
        casing the latest in military technologies  and mechatronic applications, Feedback   and developing customized cyber secu-
        and equipment.                         Italia, and ICS Technologies. The tech-  rity solutions and systems; its customers
                                               nologies range from unmanned aerial    include governmental agencies, military
        As many as 18 companies are exhibit-   vehicles, cybersecurity solutions, and   institutions and global businesses. ICS
        ing at the event under the Italian Trade  solutions for maritime security.    Technologies develops, designs, manu-
        Agency (ITA) banner, as part of the Italian                                   factures and supplies coastal surveillance
        Pavilion. Prominent among them are  The event is being held after a gap of four   radar sensors, navigation systems, elec-
        Leonardo, AREA, experts in technological  years, with the 2020 edition having to be   tro-optic systems, and tactical defence

        solutions for security and investigations,  scrapped because of the pandemic.   systems.

        4 | MARCH 29, 2022                                                           WWW .GBP .COM.SG/DAIL YNEWS
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