Page 10 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 2
P. 10



        Having bagged Indonesia as the first export  sovereign shipbuilding and support capa-
        customer for its Arrowhead 140 Frigate  bility through Arrowyard, a comprehensive
        (AH140) design, UK aerospace, defence  and bespoke programme of technology
        and security company, Babcock is looking  transfer and focused support options is
        at replicating this success in the region.  proving attractive to potential customers
        Babcock entered into an agreement with  in the region. Arrowyard will allow customer
        PT PAL in Indonesia for two Frigates in  nations to construct the Arrowhead 140
        September 2021. Babcock has entered  warships at their own facilities by optimis-
        into a design licence agreement with PT  ing their own shipyard capability.
        PAL Indonesia (Persero), Indonesia’s state-                                   Electronic Warfare (EW) suite includ-
        owned enterprise that builds and maintains  The design of Babcock’s Arrowhead 140  ing R-ESM, C-ESM and R-ECM off-board
        ships for military and commercial use in  Frigate originates from an air defence war-  decoys. The warships will also be fitted
        Surabaya, Indonesia.  The design licence  ship, the Danish Navy’s proven Iver Huitfeldt  with an Integrated Bridge and Navigation
        will enable PAL to build two Arrowhead 140  Frigate. As a multi-mission surface com-  System, Integrated Platform Management
        frigates in Indonesia with bespoke design  batant, the Arrowhead 140 is capable of  System and Damage Surveillance and
        modifications for the Indonesian Navy. With  conducting AAW, ASuW, ASW and EW oper-  Control system.
        Babcock’s support PT PAL will engineer the  ations and is operationally proficient in both
        modifications requested by the Indonesian  blue water and littoral areas.     The AH140 platform is driven by compli-
        Navy to configure the Arrowhead 140 for                                       ance with Lloyd’s Register Naval Ship Rules,
        its needs.                             The AH140 design will have a minimum  UK Naval Standards and NATO ANEP-77
                                               operating complement of approximately  Naval Ship Code amongst many other naval
        in September, Poland emerged as the  100 personnel and over 80 additional bunks  standards and as a result includes levels
        second export customer, selecting the  will be available for embarked Task Group  of survivability, damaged stability and
        Arrowhead 140 for its Miecznik (Swordfish)  command staff, troops or other additional  recoverability that exceed those of many
        Frigate programme. Babcock is supporting  operational personnel. The vessel offers  contemporary complex Frigate designs.
        the PGZ- Miecznik Consortium for three  a dedicated reconfigurable space capable  These levels will allow AH140 warships to
        Arrowhead 140 Frigates to be built in Polish  of accommodating 20 ft ISO Containers  operate in the threat environment commen-
        shipyards by a local workforce, drawing  supported by power, communications and  surate with combat operations.
        significantly  from  Polish  suppliers  and  data services.
        Babcock’s global supply chain. Babcock                                        The Arrowhead 140 warships will have a
        was announced as the preferred bidder  The new generation warships can be  nominal displacement of 7,000 tonnes and
        for the UK Type 31 Frigate programme in  fitted with an open architecture and scal-  be able to attain a maximum speed of 28
        2019 and the contract was confirmed in  able Combat Management System, from a  knots. Range is quoted as 6500-9000 nm,
        November of the same year. A Babcock-led  range of suppliers and also includes com-  depending on configuration and operating
        team is building five Type 31 general-pur-  prehensive Command and Control facilities,  conditions. Propulsion is from Combined
        pose Frigates for the British Royal Navy  including dedicated planning and opera-  diesel and diesel (CODAD) with 4 x Diesel
        using the Arrowhead 140 platform.      tional spaces for Task Group commanders.  Engines, 2 x Controllable Pitch Propellers
        Babcock’s offer of developing a country’s  It will also be available with an Integrated  and 4 x Diesel Generators.

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