Page 9 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 2
P. 9


        The ongoing cooperation between  Brazil is also building Scorpene subma-      Naval Group has selected and qualified
        Indonesia  and  France in  the maritime  rines for its Navy.  The Brazilian Navy,  many local suppliers who have joined its
        space is centered on the former’s intent to  recently took delivery of the first of four  supply chain for the ProSub contract but
        acquire the Scorpene conventional attack  new Scorpene submarines built in Brazil  also for other business opportunities. In
        submarine (SSK). Indonesia has decided  as part of its ProSub programme. The first  this way, the company’s partners can have
        to reinforce its submarine force with two  submarine ‘Riachuelo’ which was delivered  access to new markets by putting forward
        new SSKs.                              in September, was built entirely in Brazil  the know-how and experience acquired
                                               by Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN) fol-  through the program.
        The Scorpene is a proven design and  lowing a transfer of technology (ToT)
        already operational with two navies in the  programme from Naval Group. Humaitá, the  Naval Group’s Scorpène is a 2000 tonne
        region - The Indian Navy (IN) and Royal  second submarine of the series launched  conventional submarine designed for all
        Malaysian Navy (RMN), which have ordered  in December 2020, will start her trials in  types of missions, such as anti-surface
        six and two of the type respectively. “The  September 2022.                   warfare, anti-submarine warfare, long-range
        signing of the MoU  on cooperation  in                                        strikes, special operations or intelligence
        research and development on submarines  The Brazilian Navy chose Naval Group   gathering. The SSK is extremely stealthy
        between PAL and the Naval Group, which  for its programa de desenvolvimento de   and fast and requires a reduced number
        will lead to the purchase of two Scorpene  submarinos, ‘ProSub’ programme in 2009.   of crew due to its high level of operating
        submarines with AIP technology and com-  Brazil decided to reinforce its submarine   automation. This also reduces its operat-
        plete with weapons,” Indonesia’s Defence   force with four new conventional subma-  ing costs significantly. Stealthy and easy to
        Minister Prabowo Subianto had said at the   rines (SSK) and the development of an   manoeuvre, the Scorpène submarine sets
        MoU ceremony.                          indigenous  nuclear-powered  submarine   new standards both on the open seas and
                                               (SSN).                                 in shallow waters.
        Indonesia is looking to build both Scorpene
        submarines in the country, with PT PAL   Through an unprecedented transfer of tech-
        receiving assistance from Naval Group.   nology, Naval Group is working with Brazil   The Scorpene is also available with a
        The new submarines are expected to be in   to  build and  operate  four  conventional   third-generation air-independent propul-
        service for at least 20 years.  Naval Group   Riachuelo Class submarines (Scorpène   sion (AIP) system, which provides it with
        and PT PAL will further increase their coop-  type) in a new shipyard and operational   18 days of autonomy at sea.The Scorpene
        eration to provide solutions to meet the   naval base built in Itaguaí for this purpose.   has significant combat potential due to its
        needs of the Indonesian Navy by opening a                                     six weapon launching tubes. The subma-
        joint R&D center involving other Indonesian   The Scorpène submarines are manufac-  rine carries 18 weapons such as torpedoes,
        companies.                             tured and assembled in the shipyard built   missiles. Naval Group has sold over 14
                                               in Itaguaí by ICN, which is Naval Group’s   Scorpene submarines worldwide – Chile
        Sept 2022                              joint venture with Novonor.            (2), Malaysia (2), India (6) and Brazil (4).
        INDO-DEFENCE 2022                                                                             NOVEMBER-03-2022 |  9
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