Page 8 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 2
P. 8

solutions available on the market on its
                                                                                      vehicles, from 4x4 vehicles to main battle
                                                                                      tanks.  Tomorrow, Nexter is positioning
                                                                                      itself as a system integrator for new anti-
                                                                                      drone systems.

                                                                                      Nexter also develops weapon systems
                                                                                      such as the ARX 30 and RAPIDFire,
                                                                                      equipped with medium-calibre guns. They
                                                                                      offer surface-to-surface and surface-to-air
                                                                                      capabilities to counter new threats such
                                                                                      as drones, missiles or so-called “prowler”
                                                                                      munitions at short and medium range.
                                                                                      These weapon systems have the advantage
                                                                                      of being able to deal with a large number of
                                                                                      simultaneous threats such as a swarm of
                                                                                      drones, to adapt the munition quickly to the
                                                                                      target against combined threats, to benefit
                                                                                      from excellent reactivity at short range and,
                                                                                      above all, to have a very low cost to counter
                                                                                      low-cost targets.

        COLLABORATION WITH INDONESIA                                                  Partnership Model
                                                                                      As a local partner, Nexter works along-
                                                                                      side its customers in their maintenance
        Nexter is growing its partnership with  are the lightest guns to have the smallest   modernisation process by focusing on inno-
        Indonesia and will seek to build on recent  logistical footprint.             vative, high value-added solutions: tools
        successes to further grow its portfolio of                                    for digitalising maintenance operations
        products with the Indian armed forces.                                        (CMMS), remote expertise, implementation
        Nexter’s know-how covers production,   Innovation Footprint                   of predictive maintenance…, and digitised
        design, system integration of armored   First of all, two of Nexter’s development  solutions (augmented, virtual or mixed real-
        Systems, artillery systems, weapons &   axis are innovation and digital transforma-  ity tools) for the training of the maintenance
        turrets, embedded electronics and digital   tion in order to deliver greater value to its  operators.
        solutions, ammunition, equipment and   customers by ensuring their operational
        customer services, from training to fleet   superiority thanks to the company’s com-  Plus, Nexter and KMW are pushing forward
        management to support and revaluation.   petitive, innovative and digital solutions.    the integration in KNDS (KMW+NEXTER
        Nexter entered into a cooperation agree-                                      Defence Systems) the merger of the two
        ment with PT PINDAD at the Eurosatory   An example is one of the priority develop-  companies. The formation of KNDS rep-
        exhibition in June for supply of the latest   ments of the group, which is the 155mm  resents the beginning of consolidation in
        generation 120mm tank ammunition to be   KATANA guided ammunition. This ammu-  land defence systems industry in Europe.
        used by the Indonesian Army.           nition will offer its customers the means  The strategic alliance between KMW and
                                               to engage high value targets with a level of  Nexter enhances both groups’ competitive-
        Nexter is participating at the ongoing Indo   precision of less than 10 metres, including  ness and international positions so it offers
        Defence with a showcase of its range of   in complex environments. Another focus  to armies using NATO standard equipment
        products across Leclerc MBT, VBCI 8x8   is the answer to the emergence of new  the best of the technology and opportu-
        armoured Infantry Combat Vehicle (VBCI)   aerial threats as seen in today’s Eastern  nities of increased interoperability with a
        and highly successful 155mm Caesar     Europe conflicts needs new solutions.  dependable industrial base.
        artillery system. Nexter’s Caesar 6X6 and   Today, Nexter is able to integrate various
        105LG artillery systems are well accepted
        in the region along with the ammunition
        range from Nexter Arrowtech for medium
        and heavy calibre weapons. Nexter’s TITUS
        ARX 20 is a 6X6 highly mobile armoured
        vehicle to operate in difficult terrain con-
        ditions.  The version presented of this
        modular vehicle is the armoured personal
        carrier equipped with an ARX 20mm remote
        weapon station. All the equipment show-
        cased by Nexter has been designed to meet
        the needs of the Indonesian armed forces.
        For example, Nexter’s artillery systems are
        particularly adapted to challenging environ-
        ment such as jungle or mountains. They

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