Page 15 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 15



        As countries in the Middle East are seeking  cent of the development work is complete  vehicle mounted. Our customers are mainly
        to acquire more medium-range anti-tank  and we expect to test the missile by the end   the countries of the Middle East.”
        guided missiles (ATGMs), Jordan’s Jadara  of this year,” Khaled Jafar, vice-chairman of
        Equipment and Defense Systems has  the company, has said.
        revealed that it is developing a new weapon
        with a range of 3.5 kilometers.        Due to market demand, another promising
                                               project under development by Jadara is
        “We are developing a new ATGM called  the “TERMINATOR-FM”, a new beam riding
        “Spear”, which can be operated in two  ATGM, which has a caliber of 152mm, a
        control modes selectable by the operator,  range of up to 5000m, and equipped with
        either in a manual control mode; where the  a tandem HEAT warhead capable of pene-
        operator can control the missile by con-  trating RHA after ERA up to 1000mm.
        tinuous target tracking until the target is  Jadara is also developing a new rocket-pro-
        destroyed, or in the second control mode  pelled grenade launcher “Raptor”. “The new
        using Fire and Forget technology; where  RPG will have a range of 500 meters. This
        the system locks and tracks the target and  should also be ready by the last quarter of
        guides the missile automatically until the  this year,” Jafar added.
        target is destroyed, an advanced locking
        and tracking algorithm developed by Jadara  Referring to the rising demand for ATGMs
        is used, capable of achieving very high hit  in the region, Jafar said: “In the last several
        probability under sever weather and visibil-  months countries in the Middle East and   Mr. Khaled Jafar
        ity conditions compared to similar systems  African regions have shown great interest   Vice-Chairman Jadara Equipment &
        from other manufacturers.  Almost 60 per  in anti-tank missiles, both hand-held and   Defense Systems Co. Jordan
        SOFEX JORDAN 2022                                                                              NOVEMBER-01-2022 | 15
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