Page 19 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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entities to comply since it is likely that their cybersecurity center to gather insights and companies to provide best-in-class ser-
cybersecurity teams are already familiar incident intelligence and respond more vices. At a later stage, an accreditation
with it. effectively to cyber incidents. Furthermore, program will make it mandatory for vendors
multi-sources of threat intelligence feeds and system integrators to be compliant with
3. A Computer Emergency Response are being used to cover almost all kinds of the national accreditations requirements.
Team (CERT) – As cyberattacks are inevi- probable attacks through leveraging indica-
table, every government needs to develop tions of attacks and compromises. Room for Improvement
a national CERT to mitigate the effects of
such incidents and improve recovery time. 4. National cybersecurity workforce devel- Various Ecosystems in MENA region are
In addition to advancing CERT capabilities, opment and upskilling programs - Several yet to be heavily focused on education,
there are several common supporting capa- countries in the region are developing research and development, and innovation
bilities such as: cybersecurity training programs, but in cybersecurity. This is a shortcoming that
more needs to be done. The global talent has to be addressed at the strategic level
• Active monitoring for cyberthreats and shortage necessitates proactively training, to balance national needs and strengthen
passive recording of all reported cyber reskilling, upskilling and refreshing the the national economy.
incidents. cyber capabilities of professionals in both
the public and private sectors to bridge the Having comprehensive strategies alone is
• Proactive efforts to combat cyberthreats gap in the global talent supply. insufficient. Using quantitative risk analyt-
with a focus on tackling cyberthreats in In Jordan, NCSC JO is developing train- ics for decision making is of paramount
an automated and scalable manner, such ing programs targeting new entrants in importance to cybersecurity; at the core
as by using AI platforms. the field and partnering with academia to of cybersecurity are investment decisions
establish a collaborative effort to develop about which information and cyber risks to
• Multi-sources of cyberthreat intelli- a national cybersecurity curriculum to sup- accept and how to mitigate them.
gence to provide traditional sources of port schools and universities.
threat intelligence. Traditionally, business leaders have made
5. Ecosystem of cybersecurity companies cyber-risk decisions using a combination
• Common severity-assessment matrix - Establishing an ecosystem of licensing of qualitative analysis, based on previ-
provides all incident respondents with a and accreditation for cybersecurity service ous experiences, intuition, and judgment.
common understanding of cyber incidents providers and training providers. Such an Such an approach is unscientific and has
with different severity and impact levels. ecosystem not only pushes companies to proved to be ineffective for value gover-
improve quality of service but also helps nance or for security investment at any
In Jordan, NCSC JO is the single point of customers differentiate between compe- scale. In response, enterprises are starting
contact for all government and private tent and incompetent service providers. to strengthen their business with quantita-
entities. and, increasingly, citizens, to tive risk analytics such as using Factors
report cyber incidents. In the back end, it In Jordan, NCSC JO is working on introduc- Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) stan-
is critical to build a centralized repository ing a modern licensing legislation, which dard to quantify information and cyber
across government entities that captures is currently open for public consultation. risk. This way, business leaders can make
data related to all cyber incidents at the This will be followed by a licensing scheme better, well-informed decisions. This max-
national level. This will enable the national that encourages local and international imizes security return of investment.
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