Page 16 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 16

While the K9 and FA-/T-50 are some of
        KOREA DEFENSE INDUSTRY                                                        South Korea’s most popular export plat-
                                                                                      forms, the country’s list of export items is
        EYES MORE EXPORT DEALS                                                        much broader, from warships, submarines
                                                                                      and training aircraft to an array of weapon,
                                                                                      communication  and  electronic warfare
                                                                                      systems, as South Korea has gradually
        The Korea Defense Industry Association  defense exporter over that time-frame.   moved from exporting components and
        (KDIA), the organisation representing  A recently released report by the Export-  munitions to delivering complete platforms
        Korea’s defense industry, is attending the  Import Bank of Korea — one of several  and systems.
        show with hopes of furthering the global  loan providers for South Korea’s Defense
        push to grow its domestic defense indus-  Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA)  With the value of its exports expected
        tries, and in strengthening alliances with  international customers — said defense  to exceed that of China and Germany by
        Middle East and North African (MENA) ser-  exports increased from around US$3 bil-  the end of 2022, South Korea is poised
        vices and companies.                   lion in 2020 to US$7 billion in 2021 and are  to be among the world’s four largest
                                               expected to reach US$10 billion this year.  defense-exporting countries, according to
        Not only in MENA region, South Korea                                          a government research institute.
        is targeting defense exports in every  The recent blitz in multimillion- and multibil-
        geographical market, with the biggest  lion-dollar arms sale deals that South Korea  South Korea is making a huge impact in
        successes to date coming in developing  has clinched so far include K9 self-pro-  the defense market in the Middle East. LIG
        markets.                               pelled howitzers to Australia, India, and  Nex1, Hanwha Defense Co. and Hanwha
                                               Egypt; medium-range surface-to-air missile  Systems Co. agreed with the United Arab
        The country exported about US$7 billion  systems to the United Arab Emirates; and  Emirates (UAE) Tawazun Technology and
        of military equipment in 2021, far exceed-  anti-air defense systems to Saudi Arabia.  Innovation (TTI) to supply their mid-range
        ing an earlier forecast of US$5 billion. The                                  surface-to-air missile (M-SAM) system to
        overseas sales are expected to top US$10  South Korea has also angled to sell its  the Middle East country.
        billion this year with hopes for more major  high-end fighter jet, the KF-21, to Indonesia,
        supply contracts with the Middle East,  Malaysia, Thailand, Iraq, Qatar, Senegal,  The size of the deal was known to be at
        Europe and Australia.                  and Peru.                              US$3.5 billion, the largest single arms con-
                                                                                      tract ever for South Korea. LIG Nex1 and
        According  to data  provided by  the  The arms deal with Poland, which includes  Hanwha System said they had secured a
        Stockholm International Peace Research  48 FA-50 light combat aircraft, 1,000 K2  2.6 trillion won (US$2.2 billion) contract and
        Institute (SIPRI), South Korea only  Black Panther tanks, and 672 additional K9  a 1.3 trillion won deal related to the export
        accounted for about 1 per cent of global  Thunder self-propelled howitzers (SPHs),  of the weapon, known as Cheongung II in
        defense exports between 2012 and 2016,  is by far the largest ever for South Korea’s  Korean.
        but that figure shot up to 2.8 per cent in  growing defense industry, providing further
        the following five-year period through 2021  evidence that Seoul’s efforts to promote  Kang Eun-ho, the Minister of DAPA, said
        thanks to a 177 per cent increase in sales.  and facilitate the sale of the country’s  other countries in the MENA region were
        That made Seoul the world’s eight-largest  defense products are paying off.   also in talks for Cheongung II.
        16  | NOVEMBER-01-2022                                                                 WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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