Page 3 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
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        The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a  JODDB distinguishes itself in the MENA  on scientific and applied research methodol-
        nation that has  persisted  through  turbu-  region through dedication to applying excel-  ogies that directed to accomplishment and
        lent times. The country’s leaders have long  lence in design and development, test and  meeting requirements of the end user from
        attempted to balance the allocation of  evaluation, technology incubation and pro-  the beginning to the end of the development/
        resources between a strong military and a  viding a broad range of products, services  research project.
        developing economy in their quest for sta-  and  capabilities  in  various  fields,  includ-
        bility, peace and prosperity.          ing Land systems, Weapons, Ammunition,  The scope of work of the Research and
                                               Electronics, Electro-optics, Troops gear,  Development Directorate covers several
        Jordan’s troubled environment and exposure  Disruptive future technology (AI, VR, Cyber  areas, including ground systems, weap-
        to regional and transnational turmoil have  Security, 3D Printing) projects, Ballistics  ons, electronic systems and unmanned
        been key shapers of its defense policy.   Testing and Training, within a purpose-built   systems, which are implemented by follow-
                                               free industrial zone, the Industrial Gate Free   ing best practices in project management.
        Containing these effects has topped Jordan’s  Zone.                           Projects development stages include: stud-
        list, leading it to invest in airpower, special                               ies and research, design, manufacturing/
        forces and light infantry.             In light of the new, rapid and multiple chal-  prototyping, test and evaluation, and user
                                               lenges and variables, JODDB is looking   trials. In addition, research and development
        Jordan Design and Development Bureau  for appropriate creative solutions to keep   activities focus on achieving technological
        (JODDB) was established by a royal decree  pace with global changes in the field of   progress and knowledge transfer through
        in 1999, as an independent military/civil-  science and technology, as clear future   strategic partnerships with global research
        ian organization affiliated with the Jordan  vision provides sufficient flexibility and the   institutions by their participation in identify-
        Armed Forces (JAF). The establishment of  ability to respond necessary to the various   ing, selecting and training next generation of
                                                                                      Jordanian engineers and scientists.
        the Bureau was one of His Majesty’s, King  rapid changes imposed by the competitive
        Abdullah II, top priorities upon the assump-  environment.                    JODDB covers its activities under four main
        tion of his constitutional powers, in the aim                                 clusters: Land System & Industrial Solutions,
        of becoming the Arab defense nucleus in  Therefore, the strategy of research and devel-  Troops Gear & Armament Solutions, Smart-
        the region.                            opment in JODDB as a Design House relies  Tech Zone and Support & Services Clusters.

                                          FOR EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE AND ENQUIRIES
                                          PLEASE VISIT US AT HALL 3, STAND NO: WB376
                                          Editorial Director        Arun Sivasankaran         Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY                         
                                                                    Atul Chandra
                                          Editorial Team:                                      Sales Director
                                          Jay Menon                 Yulian Ardiansyah          Akshay Satyamurthy
        SOFEX JORDAN 2022                                                                              NOVEMBER-01-2022 |  3
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