Page 6 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 6

Daily News: How satisfied are you with the
                                               growth of the event since the inaugural
                                               edition? Since 1996 until now.
                                                                                      Daily News: What, in your opinion, has
                                               Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: This edition will be   been the contribution of previous editions
                                               a special edition because we moved from   of SOFEX to the notable growth of Jordan’s
        SOFEX SPURRED                          Amman to Aqaba. And the number of the   domestic defense and security sector?
        INNOVATION,                            growth is not the number of exhibitor or
        INDUSTRY GROWTH                        space, we match and maintain the number   Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: In terms of security,
                                               of exhibitors and the number of our space.   Jordan is referred to as the country of safety
        SOFEX helped build Jordan’s defense    But today, we are talking about the new   and security. That is why the developments
        industries of today. The exhibition paved   sectors that are working at SOFEX or   that are currently happening in Jordan in
        way for JVs between international and   participating at SOFEX.               terms of defense,  we can see  defense
        local companies to develop the defence                                        industries today as a result previous SOFEX
        sector in Jordan, says  Mr.Ahmad Al    Daily News: Such as?                   exhibitions where we witnessed joined
        Taweel, Deputy CEO of SOFEX, in an                                            ventures between international and local
        exclusive interview to Jay Menon of Daily   Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: Such as cyber   companies to develop the defense sector
        News.                                  security. They are making the matchmaking   in Jordan. This helped in the development
                                               between the special ops and the AI –   in opening room for innovations.
        Excerpts from the interview:           artificial intelligence – and cyber security,
                                               that’s why it’s a special edition, where there
        Daily News: Could you detail the impor-  is growth and we moved to the next step
        tance of the Special Operations Forces  for a new journey for SOFEX to reap SOFEX
        Exhibition & Conference (SOFEX) locally,  for another 20 - 24 years.
        regionally and internationally?
                                               Daily News: So, you would say that you are
        Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: Locally, we need to  very satisfied with the growth since 1996?
        show the delegations and the visitors and
        our participation - what we have in Jordan  Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: Yes.
        - to help them to market themselves.
        Regionally and internationally, we’ll be the  Daily News: Would like to mention anything
        hub to meet between the demander and  about SOFEX’s strategy changes?
        the supplier. A kind of matchmaking.                                          Daily  News:  How  does  SOFEX  provide
                                               Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: The change of  opportunities for joint cooperation
        Daily  News:  When  talking  about  capa-  strategy of SOFEX is that there is no  between Jordan and other countries to
        bilities, are you talking about exhibition  change. We upgraded. We developed a new  benefit from advanced Jordanian defense
        organisation or special operations forces?  strategy to be SOFEX as an exhibition’s  equipment and technology, such as the

                                               organiser. We are working now with 2-3  Jordan Design and Development Bureau
        Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: In this exhibition,  new exhibitions in defense and other  [JODDB] innovations?
        we need to show the people about the  sectors.
        capability of SOFEX, the capability of                                        Mr.Ahmad Al Taweel: JODDB have a lot
        organising exhibitions and conferences                                        of joined ventures between Jordan, and
        in the defense and military sectors                                           international companies. For this edition,
        specialised in special ops. And we are                                        we will have a new joined venture and
        ranking number 1 in the world.                                                signing of contracts for that. SOFEX, here,
                                                                                      is creating a hub and opportunities, not
                                                                                      just for JODDB, but also for all companies,
                                                                                      and in this edition, SAB companies, to
                                                                                      help them open a new channel and open
                                                                                      joined ventures with big companies. We
                                                                                      also brought 21  startup companies  to
                                                                                      represent startup projects where we help
                                                                                      them establish international participations.
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