Page 4 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
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Our solutions such as the connected bat- Because economic growth remains the pri-
tlespace, MS-110, ACES5 ejection seats and mary driver behind defense budget growth,
Helmet Mounted Display Systems make us the supply/demand of defense articles is
a strong partner to support Japan’s pres- growing in Japan. Japan is modernizing its
ent and future aircraft and we also offer a assets. As part of their modernization deci-
broad spectrum of advanced, battle-proven sions, they make an analysis of whether
solutions that serve the warfighters of to upgrade existing assets or purchase
today and tomorrow to be mission-ready. new or used assets. Such modernization
We are actively involved in key programs programs are competing with all other
across Japan and look forward to expand- programs and pressure to purchase new
ing our presence across the country and equipment – remains a challenge. Collins
meeting the mission critical requirements Aerospace will be present in Japan to
of our customers through innovation and support their needs and growth. Through
collaboration. collaboration with local companies/agen-
cies to support indigenous programs, and
What are the key offerings related to air- the Japanese government is also encour-
borne and naval systems for the JASDF aging local companies to be more open to
and JMSDF?
INTERVIEW foreign partnerships. Collins is well-posi-
Our defence solutions are positioned tioned to deliver cutting-edge technologies
Francis St-Louis, Associate Director, and collaborate with Japanese industry to
Sales & Business Development (Asia), on many platforms in Japan to support further develop the systems required for
Mission Systems, Collins Aerospace airborne and maritime tactical communi- their modernization.
cation, ejection seat and propulsion, as well
as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnais-
Collins Aerospace, a business of Raytheon sance needs. What is the in-country support infra-
Technologies, is well placed to benefit from structure that has been established in
the growth in defence spending in Japan. Japan is now part of the GCAP effort to Japan for Collins Aerospace equipment?
The company, which is showcasing its develop a 6th gen fighter - what are the
products at the ongoing DSEI Japan, has areas in which Collins Aerospace can •Collins Aerospace (Mission Systems):
a longstanding presence in the country. help? Installation and support of our airborne
Collins Aerospace is currently evaluating radios such as the ARC-210 and TALON-J
and qualifying opportunities to position its This will be a generational program in on various JMoD aircraft.
advanced solutions and new technologies Japan. Collins Aerospace is currently
as part of the GCAP programme, in which evaluating and qualifying opportunities
Japan is now a partner. In an exclusive to position our advanced, battle-proven •Silicon Sensing Systems Ltd, is jointly
interview to Atul Chandra, Francis St-Louis, solutions and new technologies as part of owned by Collins Aerospace and Sumitomo
Associate Director, Sales & Business the GCAP program. Collins is a member of Precision Products. Silicon Sensing special-
Development (Asia), Mission Systems, Team Tempest and has been selected to izes in the development and manufacture
Collins Aerospace provides insights into provide actuation systems for the program. of high integrity, reliable and affordable
the company’s plans for the Japanese Under a contract with BAE Systems, Collins MEMS inertial sensors, systems and
market. will develop a number of demonstration foundry services.
components as part of continuing technol-
Please elaborate on Collins Aerospace ogy de-risking work on the program and we
presence in the defence sector in Japan? will continue to support it. •Hamilton Sundstrand Space Systems
(HSSI), is jointly owned by Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace is a business of Raytheon What are the company’s future plans for and Sumitomo Precision Products and spe-
cializes in space opportunities.
Technologies and we have had a long his- the Japanese market?
tory of doing business in Japan through
local partnerships developing/manufactur-
ing aerospace & defence products and we
are looking to collaborate with more compa-
nies to support Japan’s industry capability
and objectives. Collins Aerospace has also
been actively involved in the installation
and support of our airborne radios such
as the ARC-210 and TALON-J on various
Japan Ministry of Defence aircraft and we
are planning to work with a local partner to
license and produce radios for use in future
indigenous aircraft.
06/03/2023 12:15
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