Page 8 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 8


                                                                                      MAKE LARGE



                                                                                      MISSILE BUY

                                                                                      Japan’s Ministry of Defence (Japan MOD)
                                                                                      is looking to make a large purchase of
                                                                                      Tomahawk cruise missiles. Japan’s Minister
                                                                                      of Defence, Yasukazu Hamada, announced
          JAPAN EYEING                                                                late in February that the planned acquisition
                                                                                      Tomahawks was a matter of great interest
                                                                                      and would be announced by the United
          INDIGENOUS                                                                  States in the future.

                                                                                      He said that a maximum of 400 cruise mis-
          SEEKER FOR MBDA                                                             siles would be acquired. The Japan MOD is
                                                                                      currently coordinating with the U.S. side on
                                                                                      the procurement. Japan has not officially
           METEOR BVRAAM                                                              released information about the number of
                                                                                      Tomahawk cruise missiles presently in its

           A UK-Japan government-to-government  several times greater than current air-to    The Tomahawk cruise missile is a precision
           cooperation programme with Mitsubishi  air missiles. The Meteor’s network-en-  weapon launched from ships and sub-
           Electric Company (MELCO) for the Joint  abled capability and effective operation   marines that can strike targets precisely
           New Air-to-Air Missile (JNAAM) could   in all environments will enhance air   from 1,000 miles (1,600 km) away, even
           result in the integration of a MELCO   superiority and total destruction of a   in heavily defended airspace. The Block IV
           Active Electronically Steered Array   combat air threat.                   Tactical Tomahawk (also called TACTOM)
           (AESA) seeker onto MBDA’s Meteor                                           is the current version. It has a data link that
           long-range beyond visual range air-to-air   MBDA is also eyeing opportunities as   allows it to switch targets while in flight and
           missile (BVRAAM). An MBDA spokes-   part of the tri-nation Global Combat   can loiter for hours before changing course
           person confirmed to Daily News that   Aircraft Programme (GCAP). MBDA      instantly on command.
           MBDA is exploring the feasibility of   is present at the DSEI Japan GCAP
                                               stand, demonstrating its work with the
           integrating a MELCO AESA seeker onto  multi-national GCAP team that ensures  Beginning in 2020, the U.S. Navy began
           the Meteor missile. “MBDA’s aspiration   the next generation platform can seam-  recertifying and modernizing its Tomahawk
           is to work with Japanese industry to   lessly integrate the next generation of  missiles, extending their service life by 15
           co-develop effectors of the future for   effectors. “MBDA’s aspirations are wider   years. Some of the newer Block V series
           platforms that service the needs of   than GCAP and its effectors; we endeav-  Tomahawks are being upgraded with a
           Europe, Japan and the wider export   our to be Japan’s industrial partner of   maritime strike capability and others, with
           market,” the spokesperson added.    choice in the effector domain across   a joint, multiple-effects warhead. Raytheon
                                               all land, sea and air platforms servic-  Missiles & Defence is also adding naviga-
           MBDA is currently working with BAE   ing the needs of Japan’s Self Defense   tion and communication upgrades to all
           Systems and Lockheed Martin to inte-  Forces,” the spokesperson said. MBDA   Block V variants.
           grate the Meteor missile onto the F-35.     is a key industrial partner on the GCAP.
           As an operator of the F-35, Japan would   “We are working with the multi-national   According to Raytheon Missiles & Defence,
           be able to select Meteor for Japan Air  industrial GCAP team to ensure that the   U.S. and allied militaries have flight-tested
           Self Defence Force (JASDF) aircraft  next-generation platform can seam-    the GPS-enabled Tomahawk 550 times and
           once integrated. MBDA’s Meteor has  lessly integrate the next-generation of   used it in combat more than 2,300 times.
           revolutionised air-to-air combat in the  effectors that have been co-developed   Amongst its most recent uses was in 2018,
           21st century with the largest No Escape  by MBDA and Japanese industry,” the   when U.S. Navy warships and submarines
           Zone of any air-to-air missile system,  spokesperson added.                launched 66 Tomahawk missiles at Syrian
                                                                                      chemical weapon facilities.
        8  MARCH-15-2023                                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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