Page 23 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 23

agreement at DSEI, work is accelerating
        on the development of the advanced avi-
        onics needed for GCAP. It will be developed
        together by the defence electronics power-
        houses from the three nations - Mitsubishi
        Electric representing Japan, Leonardo UK
        representing the UK and both Leonardo and
        Elettronica representing Italy and the three
        companies are working on a permanent
        industrial construct, that will allow them
        to forge a closer business relationship
        and assess appropriate commercial and
        international operating models, readying
        the partners for the next stage of the GCAP

        In Japan, Mitsubishi Electric has already
        been involved in development work for
        advanced electronics under the coun-
        try’s next generation F-X programme. In   will accelerate developmental activities,  EuroRADAR consortium, while Leonardo
        Italy, Leonardo and Elettronica have been   while meeting customer requirements  UK and Elettronica already collaborate to
        involved in maturing cutting-edge future   for equal partnership between the three  deliver the defensive aids sub system for
        combat multi-domain technologies includ-  nations. An important aspect of this is the  the Typhoon as design authorities in the
        ing sensors, communications and data/  strong expectation from customer nations,  EuroDASS consortium. These collabora-
        information fusion as part of the Italian   especially Japan, is access to integrated  tions have developed critical capabilities for
        Defence Technology Initiative. Leonardo UK   mission support, freedom of action and  the Eurofighter Typhoon throughout the life
        is a founding member of the UK’s Tempest   freedom of modification. This approach  of the programme and will continue to do
        project, formed in 2018 to develop 6th gen-  will be further actioned upon as the three  so in the years to come. Leonardo UK and
        eration combat air technologies. Together,   companies work towards agreeing on a per-  Mitsubishi Electric have also been working
        the three-nation team will collaborate to   manent commercial construct to deliver the  since 2018 on the UK-Japan JAGUAR radar
        form the ISANKE & ICS domain, responsi-  domain, national requirements for indus-  technology programme.
        ble for the advanced electronics on-board   trial capabilities and principles of shared
        the GCAP platform. This will provide the   intellectual property will be considered in  Speaking at the announcement of the col-
        aircrew with information advantage and   the spirit of a fully integrated tri-national  laboration agreement between the three
        advanced self-protection capabilities.  programme.                            defence  electronics  powerhouses,  offi-
                                                                                      cials from all three companies stated that
        To deliver this capability, the ISANKE &   The three partners for the defence elec-  ISANKE would unlock the potential of sixth
        ICS  developmental  partners  recognise   tronics of GCAP already have extensive  generation tactical sensing, transitioning
        that legacy programme structures, infra-  experience of working on complex  from the traditional combat air model of
        structure and performance metrics need   defence programmes. Mitsubishi Electric  individual airborne sensors to instead pro-
        to be revaluated in order to set the pace   played a key role in Japan’s F-2 fighter pro-  viding a fully integrated sensing, fusion
        required to meet the transformative pro-  gramme, while Leonardo is a partner in the  and self-protection capability, that draws
        gramme’s 2035 target. The new agreement  Eurofighter Typhoon programme. The com-  on a spider’s web of sensing and effecting
        includes joint recognition of fundamental  pany’s UK and Italian teams worked on the  nodes across each platform.
        principles of a working partnership which  E-scan radar for the aircraft as part of the
                                                                                      Importantly, ICS will allow ISANKE to oper-
                                                                                      ate as a network across formations of
                                                                                      crewed and uncrewed aircraft, especially
                                                                                      as part of each nations’ wider, multi-domain
                                                                                      system-of-systems. This will ensure that
                                                                                      the three GCAP nations can interoperate
                                                                                      with allies in joint operations. Integrated
                                                                                      across  the  five  domains:  air,  land,  sea,
                                                                                      space and cyber, the GCAP core platform
                                                                                      will rapidly manage a large amount of
                                                                                      data, providing aircrew with the informa-
                                                                                      tion superiority they will need to succeed
                                                                                      in complex and contested battlespaces, as
                                                                                      well as contributing valuable intelligence
                                                                                      to other operators. When installed on an
                                                                                      operational 6  gen fighter, the ISANKE &
                                                                                      ICS will be substantially more capable as
                                                                                      compared to previous generation opera-
                                                                                      tional capabilities.

        DSEi JAPAN 2023                                                                                    MARCH-16-2023 23
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