Page 18 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 18


                                                                                         TO COMPLETE

                                                                                         RADAR ORDER

                                                                                         THIS YEAR

                                                                                         Mitsubishi  Electric  Corporation
        NORTHROP GRUMMAN,                                                                will complete the delivery of air
                                                                                         surveillance radars ordered by the
                                                                                         Philippines, later this year. Speaking
        IHI TO COLLABORATE ON                                                            to Daily News at the ongoing DSEI,
                                                                                         a  Mitsubishi  Electric  Corporation
                                                                                         official said the deliveries of the air
        SMALL MANOEUVRABLE                                                               surveillance radars to the Philippine
                                                                                         Air Force (PAF) would be completed
                                                                                         this Spring. Mitsubishi Electric
        SATELLITES FOR JAPAN                                                             Corporation  is  supplying  four  air
                                                                                         surveillance radar systems to the
                                                                                         PAF under the latter’s Horizon 2 Air
        A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)    affordable and effective SDA solution for   Surveillance Radar System (ASRS)
        inked between IHI Corporation and Northrop  Japan.”                              Acquisition Project. Deliveries of
        Grumman at the ongoing  show will result                                         the radars to the Philippines began
        in the companies working towards devel-  Japan’s National Security Strategy and   in 2022. The planned ASRS sites will
        oping small, highly manoeuvrable satellites   National Defence Strategy of December   cover large areas of the Philippine
        and other solutions for missions such as   2022 had called for strengthened SDA to   Rise, Southern Areas of the coun-
        Space Domain Awareness (SDA) for Japan.   ensure sustainable economic activity and   try, and the Southern portion of the
        IHI  and  Northrop  Grumman  will  jointly   national  security.  “Northrop Grumman’s   West Philippine Sea and allow the
        collaborate on opportunities to provide   demonstrated experience in this field and   Philippine Air Force to provide opti-
        small, highly manoeuvrable satellites to   the long-standing cooperation between our   mal airspace monitoring, aircraft
                                               companies makes them our best partner
        enhance awareness in an increasingly con-  to pursue solutions to these problems. We   control, perform its air defence
                                                                                         mission and enhance the security
        tested Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)   will cooperate together to contribute to the   in  Areas  of  Interest  identified  by
        environment.                           stable use of space,” said Fumiharu Namiki,   the DND. Japan and the Philippines
                                               Vice President, Aero Engine, Space &      had announced a Government-
        “This  collaboration  combines  IHI’s  long   Defense Business Area, IHI Corporation and   to-Government for the radars in
        heritage in Japan’s space business with   concurrently President of IHI Aerospace.   a deal worth USD 103 million in
        Northrop Grumman’s unparalleled expe-  IHI has provided space situational aware-  August 2020.  The deal includes
        rience in SDA,” said Troy Brashear, vice  ness data services for the safe operation of   supply of three fixed long-range air
        president, national security systems,  satellites. In recent years, IHI has invested   surveillance radars, each with build-
        Northrop Grumman Space Systems. “We  attention to the movement of satellites     ing facilities and one mobile air
        will rapidly work together towards an  in GEO.                                   surveillance radar.

        18  MARCH-16-2023                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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