Page 20 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
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Elbit Systems, Nippon Aircraft Supply of International Marketing and Business
(NAS) and Itochu Aviation have inked a Development of Elbit Systems.“The
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for agreement between Elbit Systems, Itochu
strategic cooperation to promote mutual Aviation and NAS, demonstrates the recent
cooperation for a range of solutions. The process of deepening relations between
cooperation will address the growing Israel and Japan, relations that are based
Japanese interest in the field of defence and on mutual interests and shared values.
is fully aligned with the local requirements This cooperation shows the unique syn-
that Elbit Systems provides Japan-based ergy between the two countries and the
production units. Elbit Systems will provide integration of cutting-edge Israeli technol-
the main components, technology, and ogies and the impressive industrial abilities
knowledge to NAS and Itochu under the of Japan,” Cohen said. Elbit Systems is in
terms of the MoU. NAS will offer the capa-
bilities for local integration, manufacturing, close contact with its local partners and is
test and maintenance while Itochu will lead ongoing exhibition. In attendance were offering them innovative and cutting-edge
the marketing of the products in Japan. Gilad Cohen,Israel’s Ambassador to Japan, technological solutions. The company
Osamu Matshushita, President and COO of remains committed to the transfer of tech-
The MOU signing ceremony took NAS, Mashahiro Takita of Itochu Aviation, nology as well as the manufacturing of our
place during the opening day of the and Ran Kril, Executive Vice President solutions in the local market,” Kril said.
where a range of anthropometric mea-
surements are taken to select the correct
size garments. The F-35 AFE consists of a
flight jacket, flight coverall, anti-g trousers,
immersion protection garment and other
items. The equipment is supplied, fitted and
adjusted at the PFF to meet pilot’s individ-
ual requirements within ten days.
As the sole supplier of the below-the-
neck ensemble to the F-35 programme,
Survitec’s AFE has been tested and qual-
ified to protect the pilot in all operational
envelopes, including high speed ejection.
An accurate fit is critical to ensure the gar-
S U R V ITE C D I S P L A Y S ments function correctly, integrate with the
aircraft life support systems and provide
the required level of protection during all
F - 3 5 A F E E N S E M B L E stages of flight.
David Stelling, Survitec Category Manager,
Survival technology solutions provider ordering 42 aircraft. In 2018 as part of the Aerospace and Defence, said, “The PFF
is unique to the F-35 program providing
Survitec has equipped its 2,000th F-35 pilot mid term defence plan (MTDP), an addi- a guaranteed perfect fit service for AFE
with its aircrew flight equipment (AFE). tional 105 aircraft were ordered. Initial issued to all new pilots. The guarantee is
operational capability was declared in that within ten days of being measured,
“There are 68 Japan Air Self-Defense Force 2019, and there are currently two opera- the pilot will receive the correct schedule
(JASDF) pilots equipped with Survitec tional squadrons, the 301st and 302nd. of AFE perfectly sized, allowing them to
AFE, and they currently attend perfect fit fly safely and fully exploit the power and
facilities in the US. We are exploring oppor- The 2000th pilot fitting recently occurred manoeuvrability of the F-35.
tunities to extend our perfect fit capability at the Luke Air Force Base PFF in Glendale,
to other nations operating the F-35 plat- Arizona, one of Survitec’s pilot fit facilities “Well fitted anti-g garments are critical to
form, including Japan, to facilitate global (PFF), introduced in 2011 to support pilots ensuring the optimum level of ‘g’ protection
demand for the platform,” Nicholas Mulhall, operating the F-35 Lightning II. reducing the need for physically demanding
Survitec’s business development director – anti-g straining manoeuvres which induce
aerospace and defence, said. F-35 pilots benefit from a unique 10-day unnecessary fatigue and increase the risk
perfect fit service involving a two-stage fit- of G-Loc, which is G-force induced loss of
The JASDF selected the F-35 in 2011, ting and equipment familiarisation process consciousness”, he added.